High Country Forage Improvement Projects

We thought you might like to know a little bit about some of our other research projects. As a result we have decided to give video blogging a go in our Merino NZ funded High Country Forage Improvement Projects.

The Objective: “Survive, thrive and make money from…..”

This project has seen the Dryland Pastures Team set up a range of experiments at different sites throughout the South Island High Country to develop methods to answer the questions posed by our farmers. The sites include:

  • Lake Heron Station (Philip Todhunter, Ashburton)
  • Sawdon Station (Snow Loxton, Burkes Pass)
  • Glenmore Station (Will & Jim Murray, Tekapo)
  • Simon’s Hill (Glen & Denis Fastier, Tekapo)
  • Bog Roy (Gundy and Lisa Anderson, Lake Benmore)
  • Omarama Station (Richard Subtil)
  • Mt Grand Station (Rick McNeilly, Hawera)

For our first video blog we would like to introduce Travis Ryan-Salter as your narrator. Travis is a PhD student associated with the project and is investigating the use of acid tolerant perennial lupin as an improved feed source in High Country environments. This first video blog talks about the November perennial lupin harvest at Snow Loxtons’ Sawdon Station. At this site lupins are being used as feed for Merino ewes with lambs at foot. Check out the video below (6 mins).

And finally, here’s some gratuitous landscape and merino photos (courtesy of Dick Lucas and Keith Pollock) because some days it is so much better to be outside…

Merinos at Glenmore Station (Photo: Dr Keith Pollock)
Snow Loxton, Sawdon Station (Photo courtsey of Dick Lucas)
Perennial lupin in flower at Sawdon Station on 7 Dec 2011 (Photo courtsey of Dick Lucas)
Merinos grazing perennial lupin at Sawdon Station on 3 Jan 2012 (Photo courtsey of Dick Lucas)