Ray Brougham Trophy Public Lecture – Legumes Regenerate Pastures

Professor Derrick Moot was awarded the Ray Brougham Trophy by the New Zealand Grassland Trust in Nov 2016. As part of this, award Derrick was required to make a series of public lectures. This video is a recording of the lecture which took place at Lincoln University, Canterbury on 6 Sep 2017. The duration of this … Read more

Sub clover germinating in Marlborough this season

Here are some photos of sub clover taken by Doug Avery on ‘Bonavaree’ Farm in Marlborough. Legume–dominant pasture in spring 2016 The photo below shows Fraser Avery standing in high quality legume dominant pasture last spring (1 October 2016). This is ‘Antas’ sub clover which has been allowed to set seed in its first year and … Read more

Planning for sub clover dominant spring pastures in autumn

Want sub clover for your lactating ewes in spring? Plan for it now. For those of you wanting to sow sub clover this autumn, here is some advice to get you started. Why sub clover? Sub clover seed costs about $120-$150/ha plus drilling costs. The sub clover may provide 2-4 t DM/ha in a mixed pasture during spring … Read more

Recovery of the cocksfoot/sub/balansa pasture following January rains

On 1 February 2016, Dick Lucas ventured out to the MaxAnnuals grazing experiment to investigate the recovery of the dryland cocksfoot pasture established with subterranean and balansa clovers at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. Topics covered include yield, germination of the annual clovers and target populations for high quality spring forage. The potential for a ‘false break’ … Read more

Renewing Dryland Pastures

Planning for your autumn sown annual clover based permanent pastures Order early Although it may seem a bit early to some people we thought it timely to put a reminder out for our dryland farmers to get their annual clover seed orders in to their local seed suppliers. Placing your seed orders now (before 1 … Read more

Field Day at Ashley Dene on Friday 30 October

The Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research Team and Beef + Lamb New Zealand would like to invite you to attend the Pastoral 21 Dryland Pastures Spring Field Day. Where: Ashley Dene Research Farm When: Friday 30 October 2015 Time: 1–4 pm Meet at the Ashley Dene Research Farm woolshed, corner of Bethels & Ashley Dene … Read more

State of the cocksfoot pastures with annual clovers in early spring

Dick Lucas talks about the cocksfoot pasture established with sub and balansa clovers on 26th Aug (beginning of the third regrowth season) in this first video (approx. 1 min). In the second he discusses the change in the ratio of the ‘Denmark’ and ‘Rosabrook’ sub clover cultivars in the cocksfoot/sub clover pasture (approx. 1 min).In … Read more

State of the lucerne and lucerne-grass mixtures at Ashley Dene in early spring

In this video (taken on the 26th August) Prof Derrick Moot, of the Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research Team, discusses the early spring grazing management of a lucerne monoculture vs. lucerne mixes established with either brome or cocksfoot (orchardgrass) as a companion species (approx 2 mins).

Mid-winter grazing of the cocksfoot dominant annual clover pastures

Dick Lucas shows the pre-grazing state of the cocksfoot pasture on July 1 which lead to the decision to initiate a winter graze to ensure survival of the young annual clover seedlings at the base of the pasture. This video shows the plot the ram hoggets have just entered for a clean up graze. At … Read more

Winter weed control in lucerne and grazing management of the annual clover pastures at Ashley Dene

Today we have two video blogs. In the first, Derrick Moot discusses the state of a lucerne monoculture following the winter herbicide application for dicot weed control. Canopy development is discussed in relation to spring feed supply (approx. 2½ mins).In the second (captioned due to wind noise), Dick Lucas talks us through the reasons behind … Read more