
The Dryland Pastures Group is based on a small core team of staff. The core team is supplemented and supported by a wide range of key associates, postgraduate students (at Honours, Masters, PhD and Postdoctoral levels), interns, casual field workers, undergraduate summer scholars, visiting scholars and sabbatical visitors from around the world.


The Dryland Pastures team has many parts to it. Staff are a key component of our success:

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Interns and Visitors

Interns and Visitors
Here at Dryland Pastures we really love having visitors. Contact us if you're keen to come and visit. Working on the Ashley Dene grazing experiments. Prepared by Elodie, and featuring Irene and Lore-Elène. Here are some of the wonderful folk who've visited us over the years.

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Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate Students
We welcome postgraduate students from around the world. All applications for study must be submitted through the official Lincoln University application portal. Instructions can be found here: Information on fees, scholarships and entry requirements can be found here: Check out what our current and previous postgraduate students have researched, who they were supervised...

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