Interns and Visitors

Here at Dryland Pastures we really love having visitors. Contact us if you’re keen to come and visit.

Working on the Ashley Dene grazing experiments. Prepared by Elodie, and featuring Irene and Lore-Elène.

Here are some of the wonderful folk who’ve visited us over the years.

Simone Klumpen

Simone Klumpen
Intern 2024 Overview Hi, I am Simone a German student, studying at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. I got the chance to travel to New Zealand and collaborate with Lincoln University for my master thesis. Everyone in the Field Research Centre was very kind and welcoming right from the beginning, which made it...

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Mathis Gaubert

Mathis Gaubert
Intern 2023 Overview Hello, my name is Mathis Gaubert and I come from France. I'm currently student at the school of Agrocampus-ouest in Rennes, where I'm studying agricultural sciences and will focus on plant sciences for my Masters. I chose to do an internship abroad to improve my English and gain some practical experience in...

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Elise Dupouy

Elise Dupouy
Intern 2023 Overview Hey, I’m Elise, a 21-year-old French Student from Agrocampus Ouest in Rennes (a French agronomy engineering school). I decided to take a gap year during my Masters and got the chance to spend half of this year in New Zealand. I arrived in February 2023 and spent five months working with the...

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Sam Maloy

Sam Maloy
Intern 2018 Overview Hi! I’m Sam, an American student studying Animal Science from Cornell University. I came to Lincoln University in May 2017, where I spent eight weeks working with the Field Research team. Most of my experience up to this point involved mostly animals, so learning about crop production systems was definitely out of...

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Agathe Moysan

Agathe Moysan
Intern 2017 Overview My name is Agathe Moysan, I am a French student studying at an engineering school of agronomy in Nancy (ENSAIA). During my degree I have the chance to do a one year of internship abroad and I chose to spend 6 months in New Zealand because I wanted to learn about the...

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José Jáuregui

José Jáuregui
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science 2016 - 2017 Overview My name is José Jáuregui, I am from Argentina and I was a student at Lincoln University from June 2016 until March 2017. During the first semester I did a postgraduate certificate in Applied Science, under the supervision of Professor Derrick Moot. I had met Derrick...

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Marie Girard

Marie Girard
Intern 2017 Overview Hi! My name is Marie Girard, I’m a French student studying at the University Institute of Technology of Amiens in Biology. I did an internship for 10 weeks at the Field Research Center. I wanted an internship  in an English speaking country to improve my language and I was looking for a...

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Philippine Coeugnet

Philippine Coeugnet
Intern 2017 Overview Hi! My name is Philippine Coeugnet, I’m a student from the French “Grande Ecole” Agrocampus ouest in Rennes. Within the context of our studies I was required to carry out a five-month training period in an English-speaking country. I chose New Zealand because I heard about the wonderful landscapes of the country...

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Jessica Pujol

Jessica Pujol
Intern 2016 Overview Hey,I’m Jessica Pujol, and I study at the engineering school in agronomy of Toulouse: ENSAT. I went to New Zealand to discover more about this country because I have dreamt to go here ever since I was young. There are just extraordinary landscapes here and the people are so kind, it’s just...

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Margaux Goyenetche

Margaux Goyenetche
Intern 2015 Overview Hi,  I am Margaux a French student from the Engineering School of Agronomy of Toulouse. I came to New Zealand during my gap year to discover all about pasture techniques and management. Lincoln University and Prof Derrick Moot’s team were my first interest for their studies on Dryland Pastures.  My internship at...

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Ricardo Pereira da Cunha

Ricardo Pereira da Cunha
Intern 2015 Overview My name is Ricardo Pereira da Cunha, I am  a Ph.D. student at the Federal University of Pelotas, in Southern Brazil. I work with Science and Technology Forage Seeds. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  (Left) Ricardo out visiting a commercial NZ farm and (Right, L-R) With Richard Chynoweth (FAR), Alan Stewart (PGG Wrightson Seeds), Prof...

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Elodie Gapihan

Elodie Gapihan
Intern 2014 Overview Hello! My name is Elodie Gapihan and I am studying Agronomy at Agrocampu​s-O​uest in Rennes (Britany). I did a 5 month internship from the beginning of September 2014 to the end of January 2015 at the Field Research Centre at Lincoln University.​​ (Top) Elodie at Ashley Dene (Mid) Gracie, Elodie and Irene...

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Irène Joulié

Irène Joulié
Intern 2014 Overview I am Irène Joulié, a French girl from the National Institute of Agronomy in Toulouse. I chose to spend one part of my gap year here in New Zealand to learn about agriculture in New Zealand. I heard about the Field Research Centre thanks to Jessica Veyre, a previous intern from France....

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Jessica Veyre

Jessica Veyre
Intern 2014 Overview Hello everyone! I am Jessica Veyre and I am studying animal sciences in Toulouse (South of France). I did a 10 week internship during the summer of 2014 at the Field Service Centre. Actually, I wanted to do my internship at the animal sciences department… but they had no work for me...

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Lore-Elène Jan

Lore-Elène Jan
Intern 2014 Overview My name is Lore-Eléne Jan and I am a French student in Agronomy. For my studies, I required an internship abroad. I heard about the Field Research Centre from another student at my school, Catherine, who told me that she had really enjoyed her stay here, that the people were really nice...

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Catherine Duchaux

Catherine Duchaux
Intern 2014 Overview My name is Catherine Duchaux and I come from France. I studied in Agronomy at Agrocompus Ouest in Rennes. I chose to do my abroad internship in New Zealand at the Field Research Centre at Lincoln University. I had the chance to work with Dr. Alistair Black and his staff. I still...

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Sandie Boudet

Sandie Boudet
Intern 2013 Overview My name is Sandie Boudet. I am a French student in Agronomy and I wanted to follow my learning in a practical way in a foreign country. I chose New Zealand for its agricultural sector, for the reputation of its landscapes and I chose Lincoln University for its importance in agricultural teaching.  ...

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