Margaux Goyenetche

Intern 2015



I am Margaux a French student from the Engineering School of Agronomy of Toulouse. I came to New Zealand during my gap year to discover all about pasture techniques and management. Lincoln University and Prof Derrick Moot’s team were my first interest for their studies on Dryland Pastures. 

My internship at the Field Research Center allowed me to assist with several projects, especially on lucerne, collecting data such as yield, composition and animal weight. Processing all the information gathered from collecting to data entry in the computer gave me good knowledge about plants but also about research practicalities. It is amazing to see the impact of pasture on the animal growth once all the data has been analysed. Working with sheep – and the cutest little lambs – made my time there the greatest job I have ever had!

On top of being involved in so many projects with the team at the university, I also had the chance to go on several field trips from Tekapo to Wanaka which led me to discover so many places and views I would never have seen on my own! The best of my experiences was to discover deer farming which is totally unknown in France!

Apart from everything I have learned about agriculture, I have also learned a lot about Kiwis. I felt incredibly welcome at the Field Research Center especially by Derrick Moot and Malcolm Smith, the research field technician, who taught me everything I know about New Zealand, plants, animals and so much more! They always pushed me to travel around and discover more about the country and they made my time in New Zealand unforgettable! Thank you again so much for everything you have done for me, I sure hope I will see you soon! 

It is hard to tell everything about all the great experiences and friendships I have made during my internship, but you can trust that going to New Zealand will be an experience you will never forget!

