Recovery of the cocksfoot/sub/balansa pasture following January rains

On 1 February 2016, Dick Lucas ventured out to the MaxAnnuals grazing experiment to investigate the recovery of the dryland cocksfoot pasture established with subterranean and balansa clovers at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. Topics covered include yield, germination of the annual clovers and target populations for high quality spring forage. The potential for a ‘false break’ … Read more

Renewing Dryland Pastures

Planning for your autumn sown annual clover based permanent pastures Order early Although it may seem a bit early to some people we thought it timely to put a reminder out for our dryland farmers to get their annual clover seed orders in to their local seed suppliers. Placing your seed orders now (before 1 … Read more

Field Day at Ashley Dene on Friday 30 October

The Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research Team and Beef + Lamb New Zealand would like to invite you to attend the Pastoral 21 Dryland Pastures Spring Field Day. Where: Ashley Dene Research Farm When: Friday 30 October 2015 Time: 1–4 pm Meet at the Ashley Dene Research Farm woolshed, corner of Bethels & Ashley Dene … Read more

State of the cocksfoot pastures with annual clovers in early spring

Dick Lucas talks about the cocksfoot pasture established with sub and balansa clovers on 26th Aug (beginning of the third regrowth season) in this first video (approx. 1 min). In the second he discusses the change in the ratio of the ‘Denmark’ and ‘Rosabrook’ sub clover cultivars in the cocksfoot/sub clover pasture (approx. 1 min).In … Read more

Grazing begins in the ryegrass/annual clover mixes at Ashley Dene – 20 August

Dick Lucas discusses the initiation of grazing by ewes with twin lambs at foot in the ryegrass/subterranean clover and plantain mix at Ashley Dene on the 20th Aug in this first video post (approx. 3 mins). In the second we look at the ryegrass pasture established with both sub and balansa clovers (approx. 2 mins). … Read more

Late autumn annual clover pasture status – the hybrid ryegrass/sub/balansa mix

In this video blog, the third in the autumn series taken on 7th May 2015, Dick Lucas discusses the state of the hybrid ryegrass pasture initially established in autumn 2013 at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. Approx. 4 ½ mins) The initial species and sowing rates for the pasture discussed in this post was:10 kg/ha ‘Ultra Enhanced’ … Read more

Late autumn annual clover pasture status – the cocksfoot/sub/balansa mix

In this second video blog taken on 7th May 2015, Lincoln University Dryland Pasture Research team member Dick Lucas discusses the status of the cocksfoot/sub clover/balansa clover dryland pasture mix. The pasture was initially established in autumn 2013 at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. The initial species and sowing rates for this pasture mix were:2 kg/ha ‘Greenly’ … Read more

Autumn annual clover regeneration at Ashley Dene

Dick Lucas ventures into our MaxAnnuals experimental area at Ashley Dene in the first of this series of video blogs taken on 7 May. In this video Dick discusses the general state of the cocksfoot or hybrid ryegrass pastures this autumn with a bit of a recap on what he has observed at the site … Read more

Breach Oak – Paddock renovation with Annual Dryland Clovers (January)

DRY, DRY, DRY! Marlborough has entered its drought season well and truly, but this is the norm for Marlborough, and we have had some lenient moist summers for the last couple of years. It is in a year like this that the use of drought tolerant grasses, legumes and herbs really pays dividend. Warwick has … Read more

Breach Oak – Paddock renovation with Annual Dryland Clovers

Warwick estimated that the carrying capacity of this paddock has been increased by 200%. By renovating the areas that were able to be drilled by tractor (approximately 12ha, 55% of the total paddock area), the quantity of pasture on offer within this block has been greatly improved. The increase in pasture quality is also a … Read more