Research Projects

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Regenerative Agriculture Dryland Experiment (RADE)

Regenerative Agriculture Dryland Experiment (RADE)
Funding by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), T.R. Ellett Agricultural Research Trust and the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand. Introduction Researchers are invited to join in this newly established dryland farmlet experiment. It will compare liveweight gain of sheep across four pasture based systems (Conventional and Regenerative at two soil fertility levels) over a...

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Hill Country Futures

Hill Country Futures
The “Hill Country Futures” research programme (BLNZT1701) is funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand, MBIE, Seed Force New Zealand and PGG Wrightson Seeds. The Dryland Pastures Research Group, and On-Farm Research ( are currently contributing to “Regenerating Hill Country Landscapes” theme of the Hill Country Futures programme ( Specifically, we are working on: Research...

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Horehound Biological Control

Horehound Biological Control
Funded by the Sustainable Farming Fund. The content provided on this page has been supplied by the Horehound Biocontrol Group and Dr Ronny Groenteman (Senior Researcher - Weed Biocontrol, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research). Content will be updated as the project progresses. Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is a naturalized, perennial, drought tolerant herb which is widespread...

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Lucerne Research

Lucerne Research
In New Zealand, many farmers moved away from Lucerne in the 1970's and 80's because of pest and diseases which decimated stands of the widely used, and high susceptible, cultivar ‘Wairau’. The majority of farmers used it for conservation cuts. Plant breeding resulted in the release of newer cultivars which were resistant to or tolerant...

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Guide for subterranean clover identification and use in New Zealand (1st Edition) People | Downloads | Blog posts This project, initiated in 2015 and funded by the Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF Project 408090), was created to identify, describe and promote methods to increase the subterranean clover content on summer dry farms throughout NZ. A complete...

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High Country Forage Improvement

High Country Forage Improvement
Funded by The New Zealand Merino Company Ltd 'Survive, thrive and make money from' are the three stages of pasture legume research aimed at high country pastures. Lincoln University staff and post-graduates are working with several high country farmers to determine which species survive and how to make them thrive in the unique soils and...

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Ag Engineering

Ag Engineering
Learn about the development of the new Flexiseeder plot drill and Flexiseeder Limeblower at Lincoln University. This project is conducted in association with Flexiseeder Ltd, Lincoln University, Geoff Gray Ltd, The Seed and Mechanisation Development Trust (SEMEC) and in collaboration with Torbjörn Leuchovius at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Field Research Unit. The project...

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Marlborough – Technology Transfer

Marlborough – Technology Transfer
Funded by the Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) this project investigated strategies for dryland livestock farmers to drought proof their farming systems using different species and develop their properties with guidance from Lincoln University staff. Farms who contributed to blog posts the initial Marlborough Technology Transfer project, which documented on-farm activity with photos from our Marlborough...

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The MaxClover experiment ran from 2002 to 2011. A photo diary is now available for viewing/download (117 pp; PDF 18.3 MB). This diary documents the changes in pasture composition over time. A written commentary is included to describe the changes observed. Additionally, a full list of scientific publications, with links where available, is listed at...

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Intensification of hill and high country farming systems

Intensification of hill and high country farming systems
In 2005 the Lees Valley Farmers Group applied for a MAF Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) grant to investigate pasture and forage options for the intensification of South Island Hill and High Country (Grant No. 06/067). This project ended in 2009 and, subsequently, Grant No. 09/123 investigated the longer ter persistence of the established species until...

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