Intensification of hill and high country farming systems

In 2005 the Lees Valley Farmers Group applied for a MAF Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) grant to investigate pasture and forage options for the intensification of South Island Hill and High Country (Grant No. 06/067). This project ended in 2009 and, subsequently, Grant No. 09/123 investigated the longer ter persistence of the established species until 2012 when the programme terminated.

At the beginning of the project the site was low producing browntop with matagouri and sorrel. Over the first three years the project looked at a wide range of topics. Questions were answered by Lincoln University dryland research and technical staff who set up, and measured, a range of experiments which covered >10 ha area in the driest, stoniest part of the valley bottom.These experiments looked at:

  • Methods of establishment and their cost
  • The effect of lime on the establishment and growth of the introduced pasture species
  • Forage production
  • Identification of grass and legumes suited to the environment
  • Which mixtures performed best and when nitrogen response of grasses
  • Quality of pasture/forage produced

Over the three years there were both public and private field days at which the results were talked about. The booklets from the 20072008 and final 2009 public field days are available for download. The Appendices produced from data collected at Lees Valley used in the final SFF report for Grant No. 06/067 in 2009 are also provided for download. Each experiment is outlined and main points/results are outlined at the end of each section.

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  • Saman Berenji (PhD)
  • Hollena Nori (PhD)
  • Peter Jordan (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Ed Tapp (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Bradley Lewis (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)

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