Marie Girard

Intern 2017


Hi! My name is Marie Girard, I’m a French student studying at the University Institute of Technology of Amiens in Biology. I did an internship for 10 weeks at the Field Research Center. I wanted an internship  in an English speaking country to improve my language and I was looking for a country with sheep breeding. So which country is better for me than New Zealand?

During my intership, I helped some Masters and Honors students (Teresa, Celia, Brenna, Sonja and Cameron) collecting data from their research experiments. It was a really great experience to work, interact and talk with KIWI people. It allowed me to improve my English and develop my knowledge about pastures. Lincoln University workers were very understanding and long-suffering. 

Thanks to this placement, I was able to discover a new country during my free time. New Zealand is really beautiful and the people were very hospitable and friendly to me.