We welcome postgraduate students from around the world. All applications for study must be submitted through the official Lincoln University application portal. Instructions can be found here: https://www.lincoln.ac.nz/study/apply-and-enrol/. Information on fees, scholarships and entry requirements can be found here: https://www.lincoln.ac.nz/study/
Check out what our current and previous postgraduate students have researched, who they were supervised by and where they are working. Where available links to dissertations and theses are provided.
Jess Ross

B.Ag.Sci. Honours Candidate The effect of row spacing and leaf size on white clover cultivars seed production Research Overview Jess is interested in the physiological changes between two white clover cultivars and the impact row spacing has on growth, development and seed production. She is monitoring changes in tagged stolens to track growth and development...
Breanna Taylor

PhD Candidate (current) and B.Ag.Sci.Honours (2017) PhD Research Overview Vernalisation and photoperiod requirements for flowering in carrots Breanna’s PhD project will quantify the vernalisation and photoperiod requirements for flowering in carrots with the aim to develop a seedling transplant system for carrot seed production in New Zealand. Current carrot seed production requires the crop to...
Charlotte Webb

M.Sci. Candidate Growth and development of four elite wheat cultivars grown in Canterbury Research Overview Charlotte is evaluating growth and development of four elite wheat cultivars commonly used in Canterbury. By sowing these cultivars at four times, from February to May, she will provide information on how these cultivars build their yield and quantify important...
Laura Keenan

PhD Candidate Modelling growth and development red and white clovers established with plantain as a specialist grazing option Research overview Laura is interested in the growth and development of red and white clover in plantain swards. She will use this information to examine how the addition of specialist forage crops can impact on the financial...
Andrew Milsom

PhD Candidate Alkaloid profiling for animal health Research Overview Andrew aims to use the alkaloid profiles of endophytes in perennial ryegrass to accurately predict animal health issues. Current animal tests are expensive whereas a test based on alkaloid profiling would be much more efficient. Recent testing of mixed endophyte pastures indicates a benefit to animal...
Arulmageswaran (Arul) Shampasivam

PhD Candidate Yield and botanical composition of irrigated multispecies pasture mixes Research overview The production, composition and stability over time of multi-pasture species is a topic of much debate at the moment. Arul is examining how the addition of more species adds to the yield and changes the composition of pastures over time. He is...
Harri Wulff

M.Ag.Sci. (2022) Growth and development of hemp grown for high-quality fibre Research Overview Harri is quantifying dry matter yield, plant development and fibre quality of four commercial hemp cultivars sown on three different sowing dates. Harri is supervised by Prof. Derrick Moot and Dr Mariana Andreucci.
Marcus Talamini Jr.

PhD (2022) Understanding the physiology and agronomic performance of four perennial grass species under different nitrogen and water conditions in New Zealand drylands (PDF 3.6 MB) Research overview How do cocksfoot (orchardgrass), tall fescue, brome and perennial ryegrass grow under water stress with different levels of nitrogen? Monoculture pastures were established, at Ladbrooks and Ashley...
Alec Wills

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2022) Growth and development of three subterranean clover cultivars and their tolerance of herbicide application (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Alec quantified the growth and development of subterranean clover cultivars 'Denmark', 'Wooggenullup' and 'Whatawhata' for dryland pasture production at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. The development of new cultivars for dryland systems is critical to sustain...
Sarah Hoppen

PhD (2022) Growth and development of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with different dormancy levels and contrasting defoliation frequencies (Online - in Portuguese) Research overview The interval between defoliations is one of the factors with the greatest impact on the nutritive value and persistence of pastures; influences the efficiency of the plant in converting light, water...
Hamish Cartwright

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2021) Liveweight gains of ram lambs grazing perennial ryegrass/white clover or plantain/Italian ryegrass/red clover pastures in their fifth year Research Overview Hi, I’m Hamish and am currently in my fourth year doing Agriculture Science with Honours. I live in Christchurch and enjoy hunting, mountain biking and playing rugby in my spare time. Initial...
Jian (Frank) Liu

M.Ag.Sci. (2021) Modelling approaches for lucerne growth and development under dryland conditions (PDF 7.4 MB) Research Overview Jian utilised lucerne data from dryland previous experiments to model lucerne growth and development under water stress environment using APSIM_Lucerne. The current lucerne model in the Agricultural production system simulator next generation (APSIMX) was not designed for simulating lucerne...
Richard Chynoweth

PhD Candidate (2021) and M.Ag.Sci. (2012) PhD Research overview Phenological development of perennial ryegrass in response to temperature and photoperiod (PDF 8.3 MB) Richard completed his PhD part time with Professor Moot and Dr Hamish Brown (Plant & Food Research) while working for the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) as Research Manager - Herbage seeds....
Emmanuel Chakwizira

PhD (2021) and M.Ag.Sci. (2008) PhD Research overview Crop and nutrient harvest indices for spring wheat genotypes grown with different fertiliser and carbon dioxide levels, under field and controlled environments (PDF 4.6MB) Plant breeders are aiming to produce wheat cultivars that are efficient users of nutrients. This project quantified the crop and nutrient harvest index...
Jacob Babington

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2020) Plant diversity effects on dry matter production and weed suppression of temperate pasture in the second year after sowing (PDF unavailable) Research overview Jacob worked on a large field experiment at Lincoln University to test how increasing plant species diversity affects pasture growth and quality. His work involved the measurement of dry...
Stuart Hunter

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2020) Growth and development of annual and perennial clovers Research overview Stuart will quantify differences in amount and timing of legume production with an emphasis on spring. The aim is to determine when each species reaches a maximum period of growth and would therefore be available for grazing. He will quantify this in...
Eve Thomas

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2020) Long-term decline of sown species in two dryland subterranean clover-based pastures (PDF unavailable) Research overview Can we introduce cocksfoot into pure sub clover swards and vice-versa? This is the challenge that Eve is undertaking with work at Lincoln and Ashley Dene. The aim is to provide high quality and persistent pastures in...
Xiumei Yang

PhD (2020) Modelling phenological development, yield and quality of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) using APSIM next generation (PDF 6.0 MB) Research overview Xiumei’s PhD integrated knowledge of lucerne crop physiology into the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator next generation mechanistic model framework to develop and verify a comprehensive lucerne simulation model (APSIM NextGen lucerne model). The...
Carmen Teixeira

PhD (2020) Phenological development and hardseededness of subterranean clover (PDF 9.9 MB) Research overview This thesis quantifies the effects of environment (e.g. temperature and photoperiod) on vegetative and reproductive development of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), including time of flowering, seed set and hardseededness. A reanalysis of published literature for sub clover cultivars grown in different...
Lucy Egan

PhD (2020) Germplasm exploration and phenotyping in Trifolium species for the improvement of agronomic traits and abiotic stress tolerance (PDF 5.0MB) Research Overview Lucy's project involved a series of studies utilising pedigree and genomic data were conducted to analyse variation in Trifolium accessions in the Margot Forde Germplasm Centre and in white clover breeding populations....
Anish Shah

PhD (2019) An investigation of the ecology of rhizobia that nodulate white and subterranean clovers in response to soil pH (PDF 7.1MB) Research Overview White and subterranean (sub) clovers are widely used and economically important in New Zealand pasture systems. They are used as the base legume in grass-based pastures where they form an effective...
Travis Ryan-Salter

PhD (2019) and B.Ag.Sci Honours (2011) PhD Research Overview Agronomic potential of Lupinus polyphyllus for dryland merino properties in the Mackenzie Basin (PDF 11.9 MB This research examined the potential of Lupinus polyphyllus L. (also known in New Zealand as perennial lupin and Russell lupin) as a productive pasture component for high-country pastures. Liveweight production...
Zac Averill

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2019) Legume response to fertiliser (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Hill country needs fertilizer to promote legumes growth. This project examined the impact of different macro and micronutrients on legume and grass growth on a dryland hill site. The experiment suggested lime and sulphur were most important to plant responses and any response to...
Geraldine Cook

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2019) Pasture production and ram lamb growth rate from a diverse or simple pasture during autumn (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Geraldine quantified the botanical composition, herbage productivity, and lamb liveweight gain from three-year old diverse (Italian ryegrass, red clover and plantain) and simple (perennial ryegrass and white clover) pasture swards under autumn rotational...
Demelza Dalglish

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2019) Lucerne yield and recovery after application of glyphosate for weed control at different times in autumn/winter (PDF unavailable) Research Overview As lucerne stands run-out there is an increase in the number and type of weeds that invade. Weed control and crop damage were examined across three spray dates using four rates of...
Nick Simpson

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2019) Species identity and interaction effects on pasture growth and quality in the fourth year of an ongoing pasture mixture experiment (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Nick measured the effects of perennial ryegrass, plantain, white and red clovers on pasture growth and quality in the fourth year of this long-term field experiment at Lincoln...
Morgan Inness

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2018) Feed conversion efficiency of sheep grazing lucerne and cocksfoot based pastures (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Morgan compared dryland lucerne and cocksfoot pastures during their fifth year (2017/2018) at Lincoln University. It was a wetter than normal year with 745 mm of rain. Using Ashley Dene’s Coopworth ewe lambs, Morgan measured an annual...
Amy Whitley

PhD (2018) Investigations of soil extractable aluminium and toxicity in New Zealand soils (PDF 7.9 MB) Research Overview Soil acidity and associated soil aluminium (Al) toxicity severely restrict the establishment, yield and persistence of legumes in New Zealand high and hill country pastures. This study investigated the relationship between soil chemical, physical and environmental variables...
Chloe Hannah

M.Ag.Sci. (2018) Live weight gain of ewes and lambs grazing subterranean clover-based pastures (PDF 2.2 MB) Research Overview The performance of four dryland pastures grown at Ashley Dene, Canterbury, was compared over the last two years of the five-year ‘MaxAnnuals’ grazing experiment. The pastures were sown in March 2013 with cocksfoot with sub clover, or...
Hung Ta

PhD (2018) Growth and development of lucerne with different fall dormancy ratings (PDF 9.8 MB) Research Overview The main aim of this research was to understand the physiological basis of differences in the growth and development of three lucerne (alfalfa; Medicago sativa) genotypes with different fall dormancy (FD) ratings; FD2 (dormant), FD5 (semi-dormant) and FD10...
Shirin Sharifiamina

PhD (2018) Agronomy and physiological performance of four grasses under summer dry conditions in New Zealand (PDF 8.85 MB) Research Overview Shirin quantified the physiological mechanisms which underpin water stress responses for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix), phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) monocultures at two sites, which differed in soil...
Russell Croy

M.Ag.Sci. (2018) Livestock and pasture production from dryland lucerne and two lucerne/grass mixtures over four years in Canterbury (PDF 6.6MB) Research Overview Russell quantified sheep liveweight production, dry matter yield, botanical composition and water use of a lucerne monoculture, lucerne/brome and lucerne/cocksfoot binary mixtures grown on shallow dryland soil at Ashley Dene. Established in 2012...
Brenna Coleman

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017) Dry matter production and water use of dryland cocksfoot/lupin and lucerne pastures in the third year after establishment (PDF 2.4 MB) Research Overview Brenna investigated the dry matter production and water use of a dryland lupin-cocksfoot-sub clover pasture mixture compared to lucerne under sheep grazing three years after establishment. In the third...
Cameron Hassall

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017) Dry matter production and botanical composition of multi-species pasture mixtures during the second year after establishment (PDF 31.9MB) Research Overview Cameron carried out a mixture experiment to investigate the dry matter yield and botanical composition of pasture three years after sowing in response to the proportions of four species in the original...
Celia Hutchinson

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017) Feeding value of dryland lupin/cocksfoot pasture compared to lucerne pasture for sheep (PDF 2.4MB) Research Overview Celia quantified the live weight gain and feed intake of sheep grazing on a dryland lupin-cocksfoot-sub clover pasture compared to lucerne. She focused on addressing the lack of published knowledge on the feeding value of lupin...
Daliya Cyriac

PhD (2017) Evaluation of drought tolerance in genetically modified Lolium perenne L. and Arabidopsis thaliana (PDF 40.7 MB) Research Overview Ubiquitin like proteins (UBLs) are known to have different functions including a potential role in drought tolerance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). UBLs are related in tertiary structure to ubiquitin (UB) and they both...
Georgia King

B.Ag.Sci.Honours (2017) Quantifying lucerne (Medicago sativa) growth in response to temperature and soil moisture (PDF 3.2 MB) Research Overview Georgia is from Wanaka via the Waikato. She summarised archived lucerne yield data from Waikato, Taupo, Manawatu, Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago regions. The main aim of this dissertation was to determine whether lucerne yields at the 'MaxClover' grazing...
Kathryn Wigley

PhD (2017) and B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2011) PhD Research Overview Aspects of soil ecology of rhizobia affecting nodule occupancy on lucerne and white clover (PDF 18.2 MB) Successful establishment of white clover (Trifolium repens) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) in the field depends on the formation of effective symbioses with Rhizobium leguminosarum and Sinorhizobium meliloti, respectively. High...
Lachie Wood

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017) Dry matter production and botanical composition of three pastures species and their seed mixtures after an autumn sowing using two overall sowing rates (PDF 6.0MB) Research Overview Dry matter production and botanical composition of three pasture species and their seed mixtures after an autumn sowing using two overall sowing rates. Lachie planted...
Rachel Fields

PhD (2017) Causes of elevated coumestrol in lucerne and mitigation of the subsequent risk to ewe reproductive performance (PDF 8.8 MB) Research Overview Lucerne is an important dryland pasture species however it can produce an oestrogenic compound called coumestrol. The fecundity of ewes can be lowered if they eat lucerne containing high levels of coumestrol...
Sonja Vreugdenhil

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017) Understanding the nutritive value of pasture mixtures (PDF 2.6MB) Research Overview Sonja analysed the metabolisable energy and crude protein contents of pasture herbage in response to the proportions of four species in the seed mixture (perennial ryegrass, plantain, white clover and red clover). She was supervised by Dr Alistair Black. Sonja is...
Teresa Lewis

M.Ag.Sci. (2017) Yield and phytotoxicity responses of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) sprayed with different herbicides for broadleaf weed control (PDF 6.9 MB) Research Overview Teresa investigated the relative herbicide tolerance of subterranean clover at the seedling stage for pasture establishment in New Zealand rain-fed environments. This involved quantification of the field response to herbicides,...
Will Hurst

B.Ag.Sci.Honours (2017) Subterranean clover to increase the legume content of pastures in spring (PDF 2.9 MB) Research Overview Will is from an Oamaru dairy farm and completed Honours with Professor Moot. He established three experiments were used to investigate ways to increase the legume content of pastures in early spring, when traditional ryegrass/white clover pastures...
Grace Clouston

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2016) Growth and development of different lucerne cultivars (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Grace measured above ground biomass production of a range of lucerne cultivars in the establishment year. Nutritive quality parameters including metabolisable energy, crude protein, water soluble carbohydrate, ADF and NDF were quantified at the end of each regrowth period. Grace was...
Susan Dalgety

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2016) Dry matter production and weed suppression of multi-species pasture mixtures in the first year of growth (PDF 4.1MB) Research Overview When designing pasture mixtures, agronomists typically recommend perennial ryegrass and white clover with perhaps red clover, plantain or another species included. However, the scientific basis behind the number and balance of species...
Tim Reynolds

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2016) An evaluation of cocksfoot/lupin pasture as an alternative forage for summer-dry environments (PDF 9.0MB) Research Overview The Dryland Pastures Research (DPR) Group has recently evaluated the potential of perennial lupin as a pasture legume for areas on high country farms in South Island New Zealand where conventional pasture legumes struggle to survive....
Blair Hamill

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Sheep live-weight gain on cocksfoot-lupin compared with lucerne pastures in the first year (2014-2015) after establishment (PDF 2.4MB) Research Overview Lucerne is a highly regarded feed for lamb fattening in drought prone areas. However, lucerne has a poor tolerance to acidic soils high in soluble aluminium. In the search for a legume...
Jenna Van Housen

PhD (2015) Modelling the temporal and spatial variation of evapotranspiration from irrigated pastures in Canterbury (PDF 92.9 MB) Research Overview Jenna investigated the relationships between actual evapotranspiration and canopy development of irrigated ryegrass-based dairy pastures at three different sites in Canterbury. The project evaluated and validated methods commonly applied to estimate potential crop evapotranspiration from...
Juliano Oliveira

PhD (2015) Growth and development of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops after different cool season storage (PDF 2.7 MB) Research Overview Juliano investigated how differences in the physiological age of seed potatoes, as modified by differences in storage conditions defined by accumulated thermal time prior to planting, impacted on the subsequent growth, development and yield...
Nathan Hewson

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Manipulation of the tillering dynamics in a perennial ryegrass seed crop as a response to sowing date, sowing rate and grazing (PDF 1.3MB) Research Overview Seed yield in perennial ryegrass seed crops is known to be highly correlated with the number of seedheads produced although ryegrass seed crops can produce a large...
Saman Berenji

PhD (2015) Constraints and opportunities for lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb), and Russell lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus L.) in the high country of New Zealand (PDF 48.1 MB) Research Overview Saman investigated a range of perennial legumes to identify which were best suited to the low fertility regions of the New...
Samuel Anderson

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Dry matter production and botanical composition of four pasture species and their seed mixes after an autumn sowing (PDF 5.7MB) Research Overview Intensive lamb production requires high quality forage to finish lambs. However, traditional pasture mixtures of perennial ryegrass and white clover often fail to deliver due to slow cool-season growth and...
Stephanie Wright

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Evaluation of subterranean clover cultivars for New Zealand dryland pastures (PDF 0.8MB) Research Overview New Australian-bred cultivars of sub clover are being promoted in New Zealand based on their performance in Australia. These new cultivars may not be suited to cooler New Zealand conditions. Steph evaluated how sub clover cultivars differ in...
Stephanie Williams

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Nitrogen and water uptake of lucerne and cocksfoot-perennial lupin pastures under dryland conditions (PDF 2.2MB) Research Overview Most pasture legumes can obtain a substantial amount of their N requirement from nitrogen fixation. This gives them an advantage over grasses and other non-legume pasture species under low soil N conditions. Legumes can also...
Thomas Holmes

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Seed yield and carbohydrate distribution in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) seed crops (PDF 16.0MB) Research Overview Changes in harvest index and remobilisation of pre-anthesis carbohydrate reserves in wheat can lead to high seed yields. In comparison, perennial ryegrass has a low harvest index and, at...
Tim Brooker

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2015) Growth and regrowth of dual-purpose wheat and canola following different methods of grazing (PDF 1.5MB) Research Overview Dual-purpose crops are an innovative system where a winter grain crop can be grown for forage in winter while still achieving an economic grain yield at maturity. Tim's experiment investigated the forage yield and crop...
Louise Livesey

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2014) Strategies to improve sheep liveweight gains and dry matter production of dryland tall fescue/clover pastures in Canterbury (PDF 2.2 MB) Research Overview Tall fescue is a deep-rooted grass that tolerates heat and drought, and is becoming a popular alternative to ryegrass in drier regions. Louise studied the effects of tall fescue cultivar...
Mariana Andreucci

PhD (2014) Environmental drivers of bulb production in brassicas (PDF 5.8 MB) Research Overview Mariana explored the environmental triggers of the bulb production in forage brassicas. The project quantified cardinal temperatures for germination of nine forage brassica cultivars. Relationships between canopy light interception, bulb initiation and leaf number were described. Dry matter yields were found...
Matt Hight

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2014) The feeding value of a perennial lupin-cocksfoot pastures compared with lucerne for sheep (PDF 2.5 MB) Research Overview Russell lupin has proven to be a persistent perennial legume, well adapted to the high country environment. But there is hardly any information on its nutritional value for livestock compared with standard legumes. Matt...
Richard Sim

PhD (2014) and B.Ag.Sci Honours (XXXX) PhD Research Overview Water extraction and use of seedling and established dryland lucerne crops (PDF 4.1 MB) Richard refined best management practices for dryland lucerne by quantifying differences in soil water extraction using two sites which differed in plant available water content (PAWC). The crop established at Ashley Dene...
Alan Harvey

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Effectiveness of rhizobial inoculants on Caucasian clover and lucerne grown in a Lake Heron Station soil with or without lime and superphosphate (PDF unavailable) Research Overview At Lake Heron Station, Caucasian clover failed to establish in a new pasture and we suspected this was because the seed was not inoculated with the...
Benjamin Peter

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Strategies to improve sheep liveweight gains and dry matter production from dryland tall fescue/clover pastures (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Ben studied the effects of tall fescue cultivar (‘Advance’ and ‘Flecha’), clover species (white clover and subterranean clover), soil fertility (Olsen P 8 and 18 mg/L), and their interactions on sheep liveweight gain...
Brian Maw

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Strategies to improve sheep liveweight gain on dryland tall fescue swards in Canterbury (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Brian quantified spring liveweight production from sheep grazing eight different dryland tall fescue based pastures at Lincoln University. The LWt and DM yield and pasture quality of four pastures was determined. Pastures had either 'Advance'...
Emma Coutts

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Animal liveweight gain from lucerne and lucerne/grass mixes (PDF 2.3 MB) Research Overview Emma conducted research within a grazed farmlet study at Ashley Dene. The experiment is on-going and has six lucerne paddocks, six lucerne/cocksfoot mixed pastures and six lucerne/brome pastures. Measurements of sheep liveweight, dry matter yield, botanical composition, nutritive value...
Hollena Nori

PhD (2013) The development and growth of annual clovers for use in dryland pasture (PDF 15.2 MB) Research Overview Hollena's PhD quantified development and growth characteristics of arrowleaf, balansa, gland and Persian clovers for introduction to New Zealand dryland pastures. The research explained how plant development was driven by temperature and modified by photoperiod for...
Kate Murray-Cawte

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Dry matter production and water use of lucerne and perennial ryegrass under dryland conditions (PDF 5.1 MB) Research Overview This experiment quantified water extraction by lucerne and perennial ryegrass monocultures under four different irrigation regimes. These were: no irrigation, irrigation weekly, twice weekly or three times weekly. Yield, soil moisture and canopy...
Kate Wilson

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Can Russell lupins provide high quality forage for Merino sheep on dryland Mackenzie Basin properties? (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Russell lupin is a tap-rooted perennial that tolerates acidic and infertile soils, but published information on the performance of Merinos grazing lupins is very limited. At Sawdon Station, near Tekapo in the Mackenzie...
Liam Martin

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Biomass accumulation and recovery of dual-purpose crops in a dryland environment (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Biomass accumulation and recovery of dual-purpose crops in a dryland environment. Liam’s experiment determined the production of biomass that could be grazed by sheep when wheat and oilseed rape was sown very early under dryland conditions. The...
Lisa Box

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Effects of barley supplementation on liveweight gain of sheep grazing lucerne (PDF 4.2 MB) Research Overview Lisa's project quantified the effect of grain supplementation on liveweight gain of ewes and lambs grazing lucerne monocultures. The project also compared DM yield and liveweight production of sheep grazing lucerne with those grazing mixes of...
Monica Schwass

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Soil pH tolerance and phosphorus response of French serradella and Lupin varieties on an acid high country soil (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Pasture legumes are central to hill/high country systems as the provider and sole source of nitrogen (N) for sward growth. Monica investigated the effects of lime and phosphorus rate on...
Rachel Goodger

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013) Cardinal temperatures and vernalisation requirements for a selection of vegetables for seed production (PDF 2.6 MB) Research Overview Rachel’s experiments quantified the vernalisation (cold) requirement and base temperatures of a range of vegetable seed crops. Crop species being investigated include: carrot, cabbage, red beet, Asian radish, Chinese cabbage, mustard, onion, pak choi,...
Alice Speedy

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2012) The implications of spring grazing management on animal liveweight gain, yield and root reserves of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) (Abstract only) Research Overview Alice worked with lucerne at Ashley Dene, the Lincoln University Dryland Research property. Her work quantified the effects of different spring grazing managements in the third year following lucerne...
Hannah Murdoch

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2012) Yield and water use of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)/white clover (Trifolium repens L.) sward in response to nitrogen and irrigation (PDF unavailable) Research Overview Hannah measured DM yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of a ryegrass/white clover pasture in response to different levels of irrigation and nitrogen at Lincoln University....
Mart-Marie Roux

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2012) Autumn nitrogen effects on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) pastures in dryland Canterbury (PDF 2.8 MB) Research Overview Marie applied autumn N fertiliser to cocksfoot (Experiment 1) and ryegrass (Experiment 2) pastures at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. Her objective was to quantify the physiological basis for pasture responses...
Qakathekile Khumalo

M.Sci. (2012) Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) establishment after inoculation with different carriers of Ensifer meliloti sown on five dates at Lincoln University (PDF 2.2 MB) Research Overview The objective in this project was to investigate the effectiveness of different inoculation carriers for lucerne rhizobia. The information gathered can be used to provide recommendations to farmers...
Sarah Bennett

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2012) Dry matter production of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) under rotational grazing at Ashley Dene (PDF 2.0 MB) Research Overview Sarah measured DM yields of seven rotationally grazed lucerne cultivars in the 2011/12 season at Ashley Dene, Canterbury. Sheep liveweight and DM yields from the lucerne pastures were quantified for each cultivar and...
Scott Harvey

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2012) Early growth and development of nine temperate grass species (PDF unavailable) Research Overview: Scott quantified the germination, emergence and leaf appearance rates of temperate grass species in a field experiment and a pot experiment. The objective was to quantify and examine the requirements for successful establishment of the grass species. The species...
James Kosgey

PhD (2011) Elucidating the physiological mechanism of 'stay green' in maize hybrids - crop growth processes and nitrogen economy (PDF 2.3 MB) Research Overview James conducted investigations on the 'stay green' trait in maize. The experiments looked at the influence of soil moisture and nitrogen on the responses of four maize hybrids which had different...
Natalie Stocker

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2011) Effect of grazing management on lucerne production and persistence (PDF 4.1 MB) Research Overview Natalie investigated whether greater flexibility could be incorporated into grazed dryland lucerne systems. This project focused specifically on the effect of different spring grazing management, on animal and plant production. This was achieved by applying set stocking, semi-set...
Nicole Morris

M.Ag.Sci. (2011) Productivity, botanical composition and insect population of seven dryland pasture species in Canterbury after eight years (PDF 1.7 MB) Research Overview For her Masters thesis Nicole investigated different dryland pasture options for sheep and beef farms in New Zealand. She worked within the MaxClover Grazing Experiment at Lincoln and collected her results in...
David Monks

PhD (2009) The vegetative and reproductive development of balansa clover (PDF 1.8 MB) Research Overview For his PhD studies Dave conducted experiments with balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum) to develop best management practices to ensure the production and persistence of this annual clover in grazed pasture systems. To achieve this it was necessary to gain an...
Nop Tonmukayakul

M.Ag.Sci. (2009) Water use efficiency of six dryland pastures in Canterbury (PDF 3.4 MB) Research Overview Working within the MaxClover Grazing Experiment at Lincoln University Nop was involved with measurements in the seventh year of this long-term experiment. He measured dry matter production, botanical composition and soil water extraction and use of six dryland pastures....
Serkan Ates

PhD (2009) Grazing management of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in South Island (New Zealand) summer dry pastures (PDF 4.5 MB) Research Overview Serkan’s PhD compared pasture and animal performance of dryland sheep pastures based on annual or perennial legumes growing with cocksfoot or perennial ryegrass. This was used to develop grazing management guidelines in...
Annamaria Mills

PhD (2007) Understanding constraints to cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) based pasture production (PDF 1.9 MB) Research Overview This thesis quantified the effects of temperature, water and nitrogen on the yield potential of cocksfoot (orchardgrass) pastures. The effect of each factor was assessed in relation to the potential yield determined with non limiting water and nitrogen...
Dave Power

M.Appl.Sci. (2007) Defining the subterranean clover zone on Mt Grand, Central Otago (PDF 6.8 MB) Research Overview Working at Mt Grand Station in Central Otago, Dave looked at the contribution of sub clover in dryland hill pastures and described the distribution of other clover and pasture species which contributed to total dry matter production. A...
Ben Gillespie

M.Ag.Sci (2006) Modifying merino grazing and pasture composition in the high country by salt application (PDF 6.5 MB) Research Overview For his Masters thesis Ben investigated the use of salt (sodium) application to enhance pasture quality and botanical composition, within salt deficient high country environments. The effects of salt, urea and super-phosphate fertiliser applications were...
Edmar Teixeira

PhD (2006) Understanding growth and development of lucerne crops (Medicago sativa L.) with contrasting levels of perennial reserves (PDF 10.5 MB) Research Overview The main aim of Edmar's thesis was to quantify the seasonal responses of lucerne crops to environmental factors, as affected by the level of perennial reserves. To investigate these relationships, a single...
Alistair Black

PhD (2004) A comparison of Caucasian and white clovers in temperate pastures (PDF 11.2 MB) Research Overview For his PhD Alistair defined the range of adaptation of Caucasian (Trifolium ambiguum) and white (Trifolium repens) clovers within temperate pastures. The experiments defined observed differences in relation to temperature, soil moisture status, soil fertility (sulphur and phosphorus),...
Hamish Brown

PhD (2004) Understanding yield and water use of dryland forage crops in New Zealand (PDF 10.0 MB) Research Overview Hamish’s objective was to identify a high quality forage species that could be used to increase production in dryland grazing systems of the east coast of New Zealand. Lucerne (Medicago sativa), chicory (Cichorium intybus) and red...
Alexandre Varella

PhD (2002) Modelling lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crop response to light regimes in an agroforestry system (PDF 12.4 MB) Research Overview Alex explained the agronomic and physiological changes in lucerne caused by changes in the physical radiation environment of an agroforestry system where the crop was intermittently shaded by the overstory pine trees. The potential...
Pablo Peri

PhD (2002) Leaf and canopy photosynthesis models for cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) grown in a silvopastoral system (PDF 12.4 MB) Research Overview Pablo developed leaf and canopy photosynthesis models to explain cocksfoot growth in a silvopastoral system. The model predicts actual growth rates of a cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) pasture under Pinus radiata and involved an...
Marcio Sonego
PhD (2000) Effect of temperature and day length on the phenological development of oats (Avena sativa L.) (PDF 4.5 MB) Research overview Marcio worked with oat crops and quantified the growth and development of the crop in relation to abiotic constraints and management factors. The effects on phonological development were explained by development of relationships...