Brenna Coleman

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2017)

Dry matter production and water use of dryland cocksfoot/lupin and lucerne pastures in the third year after establishment (PDF 2.4 MB)

Research Overview

Brenna investigated the dry matter production and water use of a dryland lupin-cocksfoot-sub clover pasture mixture compared to lucerne under sheep grazing three years after establishment. In the third year after establishment (11 July 2016 to 29 June 2017), lucerne produced 10.6 t DM/ha compared with 6.43 t DM/ha for cocksfoot/lupin. The lucerne yield contained 97% lucerne, 0.2% voluntary white clover and 3.2% weed, whereas the cocksfoot/lupin yield contained 86% cocksfoot, 12% lupin, 0.05% sub clover, 1.2% voluntary white clover and 0.8% weed. Brenna was supervised by Dr Alistair Black.