Marcio Sonego

PhD (2000)

Effect of temperature and day length on the phenological development of oats (Avena sativa L.) (PDF 4.5 MB)

Research overview

Marcio worked with oat crops and quantified the growth and development of the crop in relation to abiotic constraints and management factors. The effects on phonological development were explained by development of relationships with thermal time accumulation and changes in photoperiod (day length) between the different growth phases from sowing to crop maturity. A simulation model for growth and development in oats was developed.

Marcio is currently a researcher at EPAGRI (Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina), at the Urussanga Experimental Station, Brazil. He is a licensed Professor of Climatology and Agrarian Geography at the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC).