Lisa Box

B.Ag.Sci. Honours (2013)

Effects of barley supplementation on liveweight gain of sheep grazing lucerne (PDF 4.2 MB)

Research Overview

Lisa’s project quantified the effect of grain supplementation on liveweight gain of ewes and lambs grazing lucerne monocultures. The project also compared DM yield and liveweight production of sheep grazing lucerne with those grazing mixes of lucerne/brome or lucerne/cocksfoot. This experiment was conducted within a grazed farmlet study at Ashley Dene and was supervised by Prof. Derrick Moot as part of a Beef+Lamb NZ funded grazing experiment.

Lisa subsequently completed a PhD with the Animal Science Department of the Agriculture and Life Sciences Faculty at Lincoln University in 2017. Her thesis investigated the effect of plantain on milk production and urinary N losses of dairy cows.