Emmanuel Chakwizira

PhD (2021) and M.Ag.Sci. (2008)

PhD Research overview

Crop and nutrient harvest indices for spring wheat genotypes grown with different fertiliser and carbon dioxide levels, under field and controlled environments (PDF 4.6MB)

Plant breeders are aiming to produce wheat cultivars that are efficient users of nutrients. This project quantified the crop and nutrient harvest index of six bread wheat genotypes with different yield and quality potential. The distribution of nutrients within the plant at key development phases was assessed to examine soil uptake and nutrient remobilization during the grain filling period. This work was funded by Plant & Food Research Ltd and supervised by Professor Derrick Moot, Associate Professor Mitchell Andrews and Dr Edmar Teixeira.

Emmanuel is now working as a Crop Scientist in the Sustainable Production Group at The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited.

Master of Agricultural Science Research Overview

Growth and development of ‘Pasja’ and kale crops with two methods and four rates of phosphorus application​ (PDF 1.7MB)

Emmanuel investigated the effects of phosphorus fertiliser application rate and method of application on kale and ‘Pasja’ leaf turnip. Dry matter yield and biomass partitioning were measured and differences were explained through measurements which quantified differences in canopy light interception, radiation use efficiency and phonological development. Emmanuel was supervised by Professor Derrick Moot and Dr Warwick Scott.

Research publications