Lupin grazing at Sawdon Station (January 2014)

The latest video blog from the mid-January harvest of the lupin grazing experiment at Sawdon Station. Dr Alistair Black and PhD student Travis Ryan-Salter from Lincoln University discuss grazing preference and dry matter yields, whilst comparing growth characteristics to last year’s results. Check out the video below (11 min).

Lincoln University PhD student Travis Ryan-Salter and French intern Catherine Duchaux in lupins at Sawdon Station (Dec 2013). Catherine visited Lincoln between September 2013 and January 2014 to work as an intern on our dryland field experiments. This internship contributes to part of the degree she is completing at AgroCampus Ouest in Rennes, France. (Photo provided by T. Ryan-Salter)
Merino ewes with lambs at foot grazing lupins in Nov 2013 at Sawdon Station (Photo: Dr A.D. Black)
Tailing at Sawdon Station Dec 2013 (Photo: Dr A.D. Black)
Pre-grazing lupin yield (Plot 5) at Sawdon Station Jan 2014 (Photo: Dr A.D. Black)