Late autumn annual clover pasture status – the hybrid ryegrass/sub clover mix

In this, the final video blog in the late autumn field walk series taken in early May, we look at the state of the fourth treatment in our ‘MaxAnnuals’ Experiment at Ashley Dene, Canterbury (approx. 4 mins). This pasture was established with the following dryland pasture mix in autumn 2013:
10 kg/ha ‘Ultra Enhanced’ perennial ryegrass x fescue hybrid
10 kg/ha subterranean clover (5 kg/ha ‘Denmark’ plus 5 kg/ha ‘Rosabrook’; Trifolium subterraneum)
0.5 kg/ha ‘Tonic’ plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
0.5 kg/ha ‘Nomad’ white clover (Trifolium repens)
Note: there was no balansa clover included in this pasture mix.