17 Feb 2015. Dryland Pastures. Presentation to visitors from Delaware, U.S.A. at Lincoln University. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.5 MB). |
07 May 2015. Lucerne Agronomy. Taihape. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.1 MB). |
11 May 2015. Legumes for Dryland Pastures Field Day Booklet. BLNZ Palmerston North. Dick Lucas & Derrick Moot. (PDF 2.3 MB). |
11 May 2015. Legumes for Dryland Pastures (presentation slides). BLNZ Palmerston North. Dick Lucas. (PDF 2.6 MB). |
18 May 2015. Lucerne Grazing Management. Hawkes Bay. Derrick Moot. (PDF 6.2 MB). |
22 May 2015. Improving high country & dryland pastures. South Island High Country Conference presentation. Hanmer Springs. Alistair Black. (PDF 13.0 MB). |
22 Jun 2015. Black AD, Ryan-Salter T, Loxton G, Moot DJ. 2015. Liveweight gain of young sheep grazing perennial lupin-cocksfoot pasture compared with pure lucerne pasture. Presentation to XIV Lupin Conference. Milan, Italy. (PDF 3.0 MB). |
22 Jun 2015. Black AD, Loxton G, Ryan-Salter T, Moot DJ. 2015. Merino lamb and wool production from a commercial stand of perennial lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus) on a high country farm in New Zealand. Presentation to XIV Lupin Conference. Milan, Italy. (PDF 3.6 MB). |
24 Jun 2015. Black AD, Ryan-Salter T, Liu W, Moot DJ, Hill GD, Andrews M. 2015. Bradyrhizobia with a distinct nodA gene nodulate Lupinus polyphyllus in New Zealand soils. Presentation to XIV Lupin Conference. Milan, Italy. (PDF 2.4 MB). |
24 Jun 2015. Dryland Pastures. Presentation to ECAN. Christchurch. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.6 MB). |
24 Jun 2015. Drought proofing farming without irrigation. Presentation to ECAN. Christchurch. Boyd MacDonald Lone Star Farms. (PDF 0.3 MB). |
07 Jul 2015. Dryland Pastures. Presentation to the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Working Group. Lincoln. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.1 MB). |
12 Aug 2015. Lucerne Agronomy. Kimihia, PGG Wrightson staff. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.1 MB). |
19 Aug 2015. Lucerne Agronomy. Presentation to the Grasslands Event. Howlong, NSW, Australia. Derrick Moot. (PDF 3.8 MB). |
29 Sep 2015. Lucerne Agronomy. Taupo. Derrick Moot. (PDF 2.9 MB). |
29 Sep 2015. Nitrate leaching from cut & carry lucerne. Taupo. Malcolm McLeod, Landcare Research. (PDF 1.4 MB). |
29 Sep 2015. Can lucerne improve animal performance? Taupo. Paul Kenyon, International Sheep Research Centre, Massey University. (PDF 0.3 MB). |
21 Oct 2015. Dryland Pastures. Presentation to the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science (NZIAHS) forum on “Sustainable Farming Systems for the Future”. Lincoln. Derrick Moot. (PDF 4.7 MB). |
22 Oct 2015. Dryland Pastures. Presentation to International Agriculture Journalists, Lincoln. Derrick Moot. (PDF 3.2 MB). |
30 Oct 2015. Grazing Experiments at Ashley Dene. BLNZ/Pastoral 21 Field Day Handout. DJ Moot, RJ Lucas, AD Black, A Mills, K Wigley, R (née Downward) Fields, M Smith. (PDF 2.5 MB). |
04 Nov 2015. Black AD & Moir JL. 2015. Dry matter and sheep production of four dryland tall fescue-clover pasture 4-6 years after establishment. NZ Grassland Association Conference presentation. Masterton. (PDF 0.4 MB). |
23 Nov 2015. Lucerne in Vineyards? Mt Difficulty, Central Otago. Derrick Moot. (PDF 2.5 MB). |
17 Dec 2015. Nori H, Monks DP, Moot DJ. 2015. A reproductive development scale for arrowleaf, balansa, gland and Persian clovers. (PDF 3.2 MB). |
05 Nov 2015. Lucas RJ, Mills A, Wright S, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2015. Selecting sub clover cultivars for dryland pastures. NZGA Conference presentation. Masterton. (PDF 1.0 MB). |