Scientific publications with contributions from DPR staff and students are listed by publication year below. Where available links to the published material, including the conference slides, are provided.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | pre 2005
- Chakwizira E, Dunbar HJ, Andrews M, Moot DJ, Teixeira EI. 2024. Elevated carbon-dioxide effects on wheat grain quality differed under contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser supply. Annals of Applied Biology 184: 152-162.
- Silveira DC, Weiler RL, Brunes AP, Simioni C, Mills A, Longhi J, Corrêa MVS, Nauderer C, Valentini A, Santos WM dos, Dall’Agnol M. 2024. REML/BLUP methodology for selection intraspecific hybrids of Paspalum notatum Flügge by multivariate analysis. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 95 (suppl 2): XXX-XXX.
- Caradus JR, Goldson S, Moot DJ, Rowarth JS, Stewart A. 2023. Pastoral agriculture, a significant driver of New Zealand’s economy, based on an introduced grassland ecology and technological advances. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 53: 259-303.
- Chakwizira E, Andrews M, Teixeira E, Moot DJ. 2023. Quantifying biomass and whole crop macro-nutrient accumulation for six hard spring wheat genotypes grown under different nitrogen rates at ambient and elevated carbon-dioxide levels. Journal of Plant Nutrition 46: 2595-2607.
- Chakwizira E, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2023. Quantifying morpho-physiological traits that describe canopy and biomass formation and partitioning processes for spring wheat genotypes grown under contrasting nitrogen supply. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 51: 231-254.
- Guo J, Teixeira CSP, Sood A, Moot DJ. 2023. Phenological development of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in New Zealand in response to different climate change scenarios. European Journal of Agronomy 150: 126931.
- Keeling S, Sutherland M, Moot D, Dixon K, McFetridge A, Odgers N, Millner J, Ropiha J, Ludemann C, Barker A, Brier D. 2023. Hill Country Futures – Resilient farmers and resilient forages for the future. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 85: 207- 215.
- Keenan LJ, Mills A, Smith MC, Brown HE, McKenzie SM, Moot DJ. 2023. Predicting yield of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) pastures in response to temperature. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 85: 217-226.
- Moot DJ. 2023. A review of legume research and extension in New Zealand (1990-2022). Crop and Pasture Science 74: 647-660.
- Olykan ST, Mills A, Lucas RJ, Smith MC, Moot DJ. 2023a. Legume yield and persistence when sown in grass and herb pasture mixes in Lees Valley, South Island High Country. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 85: 185-195.
- Olykan ST, Mills A, Lucas RJ, Smith MC, Moot DJ. 2023b. Yield and persistence of legume monocultures grown in the Lees Valley, South Island High Country. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 85: 197-206.
- Teixeira CSP, Olykan ST, Moot DJ. 2023. A review of pasture yields and growth rates in Northland. New Zealand. Journal of Agricultural Research XX: XXX-XXX.
- Teixeira EI, Guo J, Liu J, Cichota R, Brown HE, Sood A, Yang X, Moot DJ. 2022. Assessing spatial variability in potential and water-limited lucerne yields across New Zealand. European Journal of Agronomy 148: 126853.
- Weiler RL, Silveira DC, Brunes AP, Simioni C, Mills A, Longhi J, Corrêa MVS, Nauderer C, Valentini A, Santos WM dos, Dall’Agnol M. 2023. Repeatability and genotypic stability in intraspecific hybrids of Paspalum notatum Flügge. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 52: e20230038.
- Yang X, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2023. Development of a lucerne model in APSIM next generation: 3. Biomass accumulation and partitioning for different fall dormancy ratings. European Journal of Agronomy 142: 126665.
- Barros T, Weiler RL, Machado JM, Silverira DC, Brunes AP, Mills A, Simioni C, Dall’Agnol M. 2022. Dissimilarity between Andropogon lateralis ecotypes under different defoliation frequencies and heights. Ciência Rural 52: e20201079.
- Chakwizira E, Teixeira E, Moot DJ. 2022. Quantifying nutrient harvest indices and uptake patterns for six hard spring wheat genotypes grown under contrasting nitrogen supply. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science XX: XXX-XXX.
- Guo J, Teixeira CPS, Barringer J, Hampton JG, Moot DJ. 2022. Estimation of time to key phenological stages to guide management of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in New Zealand. European Journal of Agronomy 134: 126451.
- Hoppen SM, Neres MA, Ta HT, Yang X, Mills A, Jáuregui J, Moot DJ. 2022. Canopy dynamics of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes of three fall dormancies grown under contrasting defoliation frequencies. European Journal of Agronomy 140: 126601.
- Hoppen SM, Neres MA, Moot DJ. 2022. Factors related to productivity and persistence of lucerne (Medicago sativa) genotypes with different fall dormancy: a review. Research, Society and Development 11: e11711124473.
- Jáuregui JM, Ojeda JJ, Berone G, Lattanzi FA, Baudracco J, Farina S, Moot DJ. 2022. Yield gaps of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in livestock systems of Argentina. Annals of Applied Biology 181: 22-32.
- Machado JM, de Motta EAM, Barbosa MR, Weiler RL, Mills A, Onaratto F, Maidana FM, Montagner P, Rodrigues PA, Silverira DC. 2022. Strategies to mitigate the emission of methane in pastures: enteric methane: A review. Australian Journal of Crop Science 16: 682-690.
- Moot DJ. 2022. Balancing pasture production and resilience requires an understanding of grazing principles. The Journal 26(2): 35-38.
- Moot DJ, Yang X, Ta HT, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Sim RE, Mills A. 2022. Simplified methods for on-farm prediction of yield potential of grazed lucerne crops in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 65: 252-270.
- Morton JD, Moir JL, Moot DJ. 2022. What are the best pasture improvement options for different South Island hill and high country environments? Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 84: 115-122.
- Olykan ST, Doscher C, Lucas RJ, Nicholson DJ, Moot DJ. 2022. Mapping groundcover of clover species in hill pastures in Wairarapa. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 84: 57-66.
- Shah A, Wakelin S, Moot DJ, Blond C, Laugraud A, Ridgway H. 2022. High throughput pH bioassay demonstrates pH adaptationof Rhizobium strains isolated from the nodules of Trifolium subterraneum and T. repens. Journal of Microbiological Methods 195: 106455.
- Silveira DC, Machado JM, de Motta EAM, Barbosa MR, Simioni C, Weiler RL, Mills A, Sampaio R, Brunes AP, Dall’Agnol M. 2022. Genetic parameters, prediction of gains and intraspecific hybrid selection of Paspalum notatum Flügge for forage using REML/BLUP. Agronomy 12: 1654.
- Smith MC, Mills A, Moot DJ. 2022. Total annual and seasonal DM production of improved and unimproved resident pastures at three farms in Canterbury. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 84: 79-94.
- Stark C, Moot DJ. 2022. Are the devitalisation requirements for imported cut flowers and foliage fit for purpose? New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science XX: XXX-XXX.
- Steiner MG, Weiler RL, Brunes AP, Mills A, Dall’Agnol M, Nabinger C, de Motta EAM, Silveira DC, Sampaio R, Tessis G. 2022. Characterization and genetic diversity in Paspalum notatum Flügge accessions: Morphological and geographical distance. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 51, e20220015.
- Teixeira CSP, Gee, TM, Hawke MF, Moot DJ. 2022. Pasture production: a compilation of historical datasets from farms in Bay of Plenty. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 84: 15-26.
- Yang X, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2022. Development of a lucerne model in APSIM next generation: 2. canopy expansion and light interception of genotypes with different fall dormancies. European Journal of Agronomy 139: 126570.
- Black AD. 2021. Pasture science informs seed mixture decisions for simple and multi-species swards. The Journal 25(4): 12-17.
- Black AD, Myint TS, Shampasivam A, Yang S. 2021. Plant diversity with species drilled in the same or alternate rows enhanced pasture yield and quality over 4 years. Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: 359-369.
- Burrows E, Mills A, Dash D, Jack D, Andrews M, Black AD. 2021. Nitrate effects on N2 fixation, growth and feed quality of lucerne and perennial lupin. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 79–82.
- Chapman J, Smith M, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2021. Legumes are the key to increasing productivity at ‘Inverary’ a summer moist hill/high country farm in mid-Canterbury. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 51-58.
- Dall’Agnol M, Montardo DP, Weiler RL, Köpp MM, Ferreira JL, Mills A, Simioni C, Brunes AP. 2021. URSBRS Mesclador – the first red clover cultivar bred in southern Brazil. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science: 1-6.
- Mills A, Thompson BC, Muir PD, Smith NB, Moot DJ. 2021. Resident hill country pasture production in response to temperature and soil moisture over 20 years in Central Hawke’s Bay. Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: 39-48.
- Morton J, Moot DJ, Moir J. 2021. A summary of research results on pasture production responses to fertiliser and lime in the South Island hill and high country. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 35-42.
- Moot DJ, Black AD, Lyons EM, Egan LM, Hofmann RW. 2021. Pasture resilience reflects differences in root and shoot responses to defoliation, and water and nitrogen deficits. Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: 331-340.
- Moot DJ, Davison R. 2021. Changes in New Zealand red meat production over the past 30 yr. Animal Frontiers 11: 26-31.
- Moot DJ, Griffiths WM, Chapman DF, Dodd MB, Teixeira CSP. 2021. AgYields – a national database for collation of past, present and future, pasture and crop yield data. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 15-24.
- Myint TS, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2021. Nitrogen effects on species’ contributions to grazed pasture mixtures under under nitrogen loss and application restrictions. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 25-34.
- Oliveira JS, Brown HE, Moot DJ. 2021. Assessing potato canopy growth and development at the individual leaf level to improve the understanding of the plant source-sink relations. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 49: 325-346.
- Olykan ST, Lucas RJ, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2021. Refining foliage sampling protocols for white clover. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 83: 59–67.
- Porter JR, Thorburn PJ, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ, Mills A, Christensen C. 2021. Deconstructing agronomic resource use efficiencies to increase food production. Italian Journal of Agronomy 16: 1694.
- Shah A, Wakelin S, Moot DJ, Blond C, Laugraud A, Ridgway H. 2021. Trifolium repens and T. subterraneum modify their nodule microbiome in response to soil pH. Journal of Applied Microbiology 131: 1858-1869.
- Talamini Jr. MV, Sharifiamini S, David E, Pollock KM, Mills A, Moot DJ. 2021. Pasture persistence of four grasses under different nitrogen regimes in a summer dry environment. Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: 395-407.
- Taylor BJO, Mills A, Smith M, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2021.Yield and botanical composition of four dryland pastures at Ashley Dene Research Farm over 8 years. Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: 29-37.
- Teixeira C, Hampton J, Moot DJ. 2021. Time of sowing and cultivar effects on hardseededness and germination of of subterranean clover seeds. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 65: 309-333.
- Teixeira C, Hampton J, Moot DJ. 2021. Phenological development of subterranean clover cultivars under contrasting environments. Annals of Applied Biology 179: 246-258.
- Wulff HM, Ryan-Salter TP, Andreucci MP, Pyke N, Collie M, Moot DJ. 2021. Growth and dry matter accumulation of three hemp (Cannibis sativa L.) cultivars on three dates in Canterbury. Agronomy New Zealand.51: 67-83.
- Yang X, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2021. Development of a lucerne model in APSIM next generation: 1 Phenology and morphology of genotypes with different fall dormancies. European Journal of Agronomy 130: 126372.
- Bariroh NR, Bryant RH, Black AD. 2021. Effect of maturity and storage duration on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) silage quality. The First International Conference on Assessment and Development of Agricultural Innovation (1st ICADAI 2021). E3S Web of Conferences 306: 01039.
- Berone G, Sardina M, Moot DJ. 2020. Animal and forage responses on lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) pastures under grazing in a temperate climate. Grass and Forage Science 75 (2) 192-205.
- Chicota R, McAuliffe R, Lee J, Minnee E, Martin K, Brown HE, Moot DJ, Snow VO. 2020. Forage chicory model: Development and evaluation. Field Crops Research 246: 107633.
- Moltchanova E, Sharifiamina S, Moot DJ, Shayanfar A, Bloomberg M. 2020. Comparison of three different statistical approaches (non-linear least squares regression, survival analysis and Bayesian inference) in their usefulness for estimating hydrothermal time models of seed germination. Seed Science Research. 30: 64-72.
- Moot DJ, Black AD 2020. Grazing management for pasture resilience. AgScience 57 (Special Issue on Regenerative Agriculture): 12–13.
- Moot DJ, Black AD, Mills A. 2020. New Zealand drivers of pasture production and options available to improve composition and management. In: Growing with Grasslands. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Virtual Conference of the Grassland Society of Southern Australia Inc. p 50–54.
- Moot DJ., Smith M, Mills A. 2020. Liveweight production, dry matter yield and seasonal composition from dryland lucerne and lucerne/grass mixes over five years. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 272-301.
- Nguyen TD, Andrews M, Ley TWS, Dash D, Petterson M, Weir BS, Morton JD, Black AD, Lucas RJ. 2020. Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) specific rhizobia persist in low and high fertility soils in the South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 332–340.
- Shanyanfar A, Sharifiamini S, Moot DJ, Molchonova E, Bloomberg M. 2020. Quantifying perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) seed germination responses to water potential and temperature with a hydrothermal time model. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 379-394.
- Ta HT, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2020. Yield and quality changes in lucerne of different fall dormancy ratings under three defoliation regimes. European Journal of Agronomy 115: 126012.
- Taylor BJO, Hofmann R, Moot DJ. 2020. Yield of subterranean clover after post-emergence herbicide application of broadleaf weed control. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 82:121-128.
- Teixeira CSP, Hampton J, Moot DJ. 2020. Thermal time requirements for germination of four subterranean clover cultivars. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 301-314.
- Teixeira CSP, Hampton JG, Moot DJ. 2020. Reproductive development in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.): A reanalysis of Oceania datasets. European Journal of Agronomy 119: 126123.
- Teixeira CSP, Lucas RJ, Olykan ST, Moot DJ. 2020. Causes of leaf reddening in subterranean clover cultivars. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 315-331.
- Fields RL, Moot DJ, Sedcole JR, Barrell GK. 2019a. Recovery of ovulation rate in ewes following their removal from an oestrogenic lucerne forage. Animal Production Science 59: 493-498.
- Fields RL, Sedcole JR, Barrell GK, Moot DJ. 2019b. Prediction of coumestrol content in unirrigated lucerne crops using weather variables. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 62: 528-542.
- Hoppen SM, Ta HT, Yang X, Jáuregui J, Neres MA, Moot DJ. 2019. Shoot and perennial organ yields of lucerne genotypes of three fall dormancy levels over five years. In: “Cells to Satellites”. J. Pratley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Australian Agronomy Conference 2019, Waga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 25-29 August 2019.
- Jáuregui JM, Mills A, Black DB, Wigley K, Ridgway HJ, Moot DJ. 2018. Yield components of lucerne were affected by sowing date and inoculation treatment. European Journal of Agronomy 103: 1-12.
- Mills A, Smith MC, Moot DJ. 2019. Relationships between sheep liveweight production and dry matter yield for lucerne-based pastures in spring. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 81: 97-102.
- Moot DJ. 2019. Overcoming the weakest link in pastoral farming – a lack of nitrogen. The Journal (March 2019): 12-18.
- Moot DJ, Anderson PVA, Anderson LJ; Anderson DK. 2019a. Animal performance changes over 11 years after implementing a lucerne grazing system on Bog Roy Station. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 81: 75-80.
- Moot DJ, Smith MC, Mills A. 2019b. Liveweight and dry matter yield from dryland lucerne and lucerne/grass mixes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63: 272-300.
- Myint TS, Wood L, Black AD. 2019. Optimisation of perennial ryegrass, white clover and plantain mixtures for maximum dry matter yield in an intensive pasture system. In: “Cells to Satellites”. J. Pratley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Australian Agronomy Conference 2019, Waga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 25-29 August 2019.
- Nori H, Moot DJ, Mills A. 2019. Seed production, seedling regeneration and hardseeds breakdown of annual clovers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 62: 316-331.
- Olykan ST, Lucas RJ, Nicholson DJ, Doscher C, Moot DJ. 2019. Maximising the subterranean clover content on a summer-dry Wairarapa hill-country farm through grazing management. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 81: 91-100.
- Olykan ST, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2019. Sampling methods for clover species in grazed pastures to diagnose mineral deficiencies. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 81: 241-248.
- Sim RE, Moot DJ. 2019. The influence of spring grazing management on yield and water use of rainfed lucerne. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 81: 187-194.
- Yang X, Ta HT, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Jáuregui J, Moot DJ. 2019. Modelling phenological development of regrowth lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) using APSIMX. In: “Cells to Satellites”. J. Pratley (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Australian Agronomy Conference 2019, Waga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 25-29 August 2019.
- Bariroh NR, Bryant RH, Black AD. 2018. Plantain silage quality under variable management practices. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 119–124.
- Berenji S, Mills A, Moir JL, Pollock KM, Murray W, Murray E, Moot DJ. 2018. Dry matter yield of six legume species in response to lime over 3 years at Glenmore Station, Mackenzie Basin. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 81-90.
- Black AD, Anderson S, Dalgety SK, Hassell CA, Myint TS, Vreugdenhil SR. 2018. Yield benefits of pasture mixtures with species drilled in the same and alternate rows. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 243-248.
- Black AD, Lucas RJ. 2018. Dry matter yield of dryland and irrigated mixtures of Caucasian clover, white clover and perennial ryegrass over 5 years at Lincoln University. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 73-80.
- Brophy C, Finn J.A, Lüscher A, Suter M, Kirwan L, Sebastià MT, Helgadóttir Á, Baadshaug OH, Bélanger G, Black AD, Collins RP, Čop J, Dalmannsdóttir S, Delgado I, Elgersma A, Fothergill M, Frankow-Lindberg BE, Ghesquiere A, Golińska B, Goliński P, Grieu P, Gustavsson AM, Höglind M, Huguenin-Elie O, Jørgensen M, Kadziuliene Z, Kurki P, Llurba R, Lunnan T, Porqueddu C, Thumm U, Connolly J. 2018. Identifying the drivers of changes in the relative abundances of species in agroecosystems. In: Horan B, Hennessy D, O’Donnovan M, Kennedy E, McCarthy B, Finn JA, O’Brien B (Eds.). Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Proceedings of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Cork, Ireland, 17–21 June 2018. Grassland Science in Europe 23: 586–588.
- Casey MJ, Stevens DR, Moot DJ, Chapman DF, Kerr GA, King WM, Meikle A, Copland L, Black AD, Kerslake JI. 2018. The role of the New Zealand Grassland Association in communicating science to the grassland industry: history, lessons and directions. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 61-66.
- Che A, Moir JL, Black AD, Sheng H, Li X. 2018. Effects of perennial (‘Russell’) lupins on soil nitrogen and carbon in acid high-country soils. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 67-72.
- Connolly J; Sebastià MT; Kirwan L, Finn JA, Llurba R, Suter M, Collins RP, Porqueddu C, Helgadóttir A, Baadshaug OH, Bélanger G, Black AD, Brophy C, Čop J, Dalmannsdóttir S, Delgado I, Elgersma A, Fothergill M, Frankow-Lindberg BE, Ghesquiere A, Golinski P, Grieu P, Gustavsson AM, Höglind M, Huguenin-Elie O, Jørgensen M, Kadziuliene Z, Lunnan T, Nykanen-Kurki P, Ribas A, Taube F, Thumm U, De Vliegher A, Lüscher A. 2018. Weed suppression greatly increased by plant diversity in intensively managed grasslands: a continental-scale experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 852–862.
- Connolly J, Sebastià MT, Kirwan L, Finn JA, Llurba R, Suter M, Collins RP, Porqueddu C, Helgadóttir A, Baadshaug OH, Bélanger G, Black AD, Brophy C, Čop J, Dalmannsdóttir S, Delgado L, Elgersma A, Fothergill M, Frankow-Lindberg BE, Ghesquiere A, Goliński P, Grieu P, Gustavsson AM, Höglind M, Huguenin-Elie O, Jørgensen M, Kadziuliene Z, Lunnan T, Nykanen-Kurki P, Ribas A, Taube F, Thumm U, De Vliegher A, Lüscher A. 2018. Plant diversity greatly enhances weed suppression in intensively managed grasslands. In: Horan B, Hennessy D, O’Donnovan M, Kennedy E, McCarthy B, Finn JA, O’Brien B (Eds.). Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Proceedings of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Cork, Ireland, 17–21 June 2018. Grassland Science in Europe 23: 142–145.
- Cyriac D, Hofmann R, Stewart A, Puthigae S, Winefield C, Moot DJ. 2018. Intraspecific differences in long-term drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass. PlosOne 13: e0194977.
- Fields RL, Moot DJ, Sedcole JR, Barrell GK. 2018. Recovery of ovulation rate in ewes following their removal from an oestrogenic lucerne forage. Animal Production Science 59(3): 493-498.
- Fields RL, Barrell G, Gash A, Zhao J, Moot DJ. 2018. Alfalfa coumestrol content in response to development stage, fungi, aphids and cultivar. Agronomy Journal 110: 910-921.
- Hannaway D, He F, Moot DJ, Yang X, Mills A, Smith R, Teixeira EI, Shewmaker G, Islam A, Wang G. 2018. Improving alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivar selection by GIS mapping of fall dormancy and winter survival index classes and modelling seasonal and annual yield. In: Second World Alfalfa Congress, 11-14 November 2018. Cordoba, Argentina.
- Hendrie DL, Moir JL, Stevens EJ, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2018. Soil pH, exchangeable aluminium and legume yield responses to deep-placed lime at Omarama Station. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 137-144.
- Jáuregui JM, Mills A, Black DBS, Wigley K, Ridgway H, Moot DJ. 2018. Shoot and root biomass of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) were affected by sowing dates and inoculation treatments. In: Second World Alfalfa Congress, 11-14 November 2018. Cordoba, Argentina.
- Mills A, Smith M, Moot DJ. 2018. Sheep liveweight production from dryland alfalfa and alfalfa/grass mixes over five years. In: Second World Alfalfa Congress, 11-14 November 2018. Cordoba, Argentina.
- Moir JL, Moot DJ, Whitley AE, Black AD, Hendrie DL. 2018. Soil acidity and aluminium in South Island high and hill-country: new data and future needs. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 145-148.
- Moot DJ, Mills A, Smith M, Anderson D, Anderson L. 2018a. Summary of liveweight gains and rotational grazing methods used for sheep grazing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in New Zealand. In: Second World Alfalfa Congress, 11-14 November 2018. Cordoba, Argentina.
- Moot DJ, Mills A, van Housen J. 2018b. Problems and solutions for intensive dairy grazing systems in New Zealand. In: Proceedings of the XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress. Geneva, Switzerland: 27-31 August 2018. Abstract book: PS-9.1-02. p 58.
- Olykan ST, Lucas RJ, Teixeira CS, Subtil RA, Moot DJ. 2018. Establishment, production and regeneration of subterranean clovers in the Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 145-153.
- Taylor BJO, Pollock KM, Moot DJ. 2018. Emergence and control of gorse seedlings after the 2017 Port Hills fire. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 249-254.
- Teixeira CSP, Hampton J, Gierlinger N, Moot DJ. 2018a. Biochemical changes in subterranean clover seed coat after thermal treatment. In: Proceedings of the XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress. Geneva, Switzerland: 27-31 August 2018. Abstract book (Poster): PoS1-62. p 94.
- Teixeira CSP, Hampton J, Moot DJ. 2018b. Seed yield components of subterranean clover affected by genotype and sowing date. In: Proceedings of the XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress. Geneva, Switzerland: 27-31 August 2018. Abstract book (Poster): PoS2-07. p 131.
- Teixeira CSP, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2018c. Seed yield and subsequent emergence pattern of subterranean clover cultivars in response to summer rain. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 91-96.
- Whitley AE, Almond PC, Moir JL, Bucci MG, Nelson J, Moot DJ. 2018. A field survey of soil pH and extractable aluminium in the Ashburton Lakes catchment, Canterbury, New Zealand. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 149-154.
- Wigley K, Ridgway H, Ballard R, Moot DJ. 2018. Investigating aluminium tolerance of Sinorhizobium meliloti strains to improve lucerne nodulation. Crop and Pasture Science 69: 1031-1040.
- Yang X, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Hung T, Hannaway D. 2018. Modelling alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) phenological development. In: Second World Alfalfa Congress, 11-14 November 2018. Cordoba, Argentina.
- Berenji S, Moot DJ, Moir JL, Ridgway H, Rafat A. 2017. Dry matter yield, root traits, and nodule occupancy of lucerne and Caucasian clover when grown in acidic soil with high aluminium concentrations. Plant and Soil 416: 227-241.
- Black AD, Anderson S, Dalgety SK. Identification of pasture mixtures that maximise dry matter yield. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 79: 103-110.
- Cranston LM, Kenyon PR, Fields RL, Moot DJ Corner-Thomas RA, Kemp PD, Morris ST. 2017. Lucerne with a high coumesterol content is not a suitable feed for ewes just before and during the early breeding period. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 79: 61-66.
- Chynoweth RJ, Moot DJ. 2017. Seed growth of three perennial ryegrass cultivars sown on two dates and treated with trinexapac ethyl straw shortener. Grass and Forage Science 72: 271-280.
- Fields RL, Moot DJ, Barrell GK. 2017b. Coumestrol content of lucerne under drought stress. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Lewis T, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2017a. Subterranean clover response to different herbicide applications. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Lewis TR, Lucas RJ, Hofmann RW, Moot DJ. 2017b. Tolerance of newly sown cocksfoot-clover pastures to the herbicide imazethpyr. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 79: 173-180.
- Oliveira JS, Brown HE, Gash A, Moot DJ. 2017a. LINTUL-POTATO model revisited. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Oliveira JS, Brown HE, Gash A, Moot DJ. 2017b. Yield and weight distribution of two potato cultivars grown from seed potatoes of different physiological ages. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 45: 91-118.
- Orchard S, Standish R, Dickie I, Renton M, Walker C, Moot DJ, Ryan MH. 2017. Fine root endophytes under scrutiny: a review of the literature on arbuscule-producing fungi recently suggested to belong to Mucoromycotina. Mycorrhiza 27(7): 619-638.
- Sharifiamina S, Shayanfar A, Moot DJ, Bloomberg M. 2017. Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) seed germination responses to temperature and water potential. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Sim RE, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2017. Soil water extraction patterns of lucerne grown on stony soils. Plant and Soil 414: 95-112.
- Ta HT, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2017. Impact of fall dormancy rating on phenological development of regrowth lucerne. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Teixeira C, Lucas RJ, Lewis T, Moot DJ. 2017. From establishment to re-establishment: a field evaluation of sub clover cultivars. In: “Doing More with Less”. GJ O’Leary, RD Armstrong and L Hafner (eds). Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference 2017, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 24-28 September 2017.
- Andreucci MP, Moot DJ, Black AD, Sedcole R. 2016. A comparison of cardinal temperatures estimated by linear and nonlinear models for germination and bulb growth of forage brassicas. European Journal of Agronomy 81: 52-63.
- Black AD, Ryan-Salter TP. 2016. Evaluation of perennial lupin/cocksfoot pasture relative to lucerne pasture under summer dry conditions. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 123-132. (Conference presentation, PDF 2.6 MB).
- Fields RL, Barrell GK, Moot DJ. 2016. Premature mammary development in ewe lambs exposed to an oestrogenic lucerne pasture. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 41-44. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.5 MB).
- Mills A, Smith MC, Moot DJ. 2016. Relationships between dry matter yield and height of dryland lucerne. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 185-196. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.8 MB).
- Moir J, Jordan P, Moot D, Lucas R. 2016. Phosphorus response and optimum pH ranges of twelve pasture legumes grown in an acid upland New Zealand soil under glasshouse conditions. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 16, 438-460.
- Monk S, Moot DJ, Belgrave BR, Rolston MP, Caradus JR. 2016. Availability of seed for hill country adapted forage legumes. Hill Country Symposium – Grassland Research and Practice Series 16: 257-267.
- Moot DJ. 2016a. Transforming dryland sheep and beef farms – a scientists view. Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) Conference. p 25-34. (Conference presentation, PDF 4.4 MB).
- Moot DJ. 2016b. Legumes improved dryland grazing systems in New Zealand. 14th Annual European Agronomy Society Congress. 5-9th September 2016. Edinburgh, Scotland. (Conference presentation, PDF 5.4 MB).
- Moot DJ, Bennett SM, Mills A, Smith MC. 2016a. Optimal grazing management to achieve high yields and utilisation of dryland lucerne. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 27-33. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.0 MB).
- Moot DJ, Mills A, Roux MM, Smith MC. 2016b. Liveweight production of ewes and lambs grazing a dryland lucerne monoculture with or without barley grain supplementation. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 35-39. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.0 MB).
- Morris NJ, Smith MC, Mills A, McNeill MR, Moot DJ. 2016. Insect populations of six dryland pastures grown in Canterbury. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 109-116. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.3 MB).
- Nori H, Moot DJ, Black AD. 2016. Leaf appearance of annual clovers responds to photoperiod at emergence. European Journal of Agronomy 72: 99-106.
- Oliveira JS, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Gash A. 2016. An explanation of yield differences in three potato cultivars. Agronomy Journal 108: 1434-1446
- Pollock KM, Moot DJ. 2016. Productivity and composition of perennial lupin pastures in response to six growing rates, lime application and lupin type at Glenmore Station, Lake Tekapo. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 139-147. (Conference presentation, PDF 3.6 MB).
- Seth K, Moot DJ, O’Callaghan M, Ridgway H. 2016. Effect of phosphate solubilization on nitrogen fixation in clover. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Budapest, Hungry. 25-28 August 2016. Parallel Session 4. p 82.
- Sharifiamina S, Moot DJ, Bloomberg M. 2016. Calculating “Hydrothermal time” to quantify seed germination of tall fescue. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 163-168. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.7 MB).
- Ta HT, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2015 Impact of autumn (fall) dormancy on growth and development of seedling lucerne. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 169-176. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.0 MB).
- Wigley K, Moot DJ, Ridgway H, Humphries A, Wakelin S, Ballard R. 2016. The effect of aluminium on the nodulation of lucerne: A comparison of two rhizobia stains and two lucerne lines. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Budapest, Hungry. 25-28 August 2016. Poster Session 5A. p 265.
- Wigley K, Ridgway H, Moot DJ. 2016. The survival of the commercial inoculant in white clover and lucerne. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the European Agronomy Society. Edinburgh, Scotland; 5-9 September 2016, Session 5, p 21-22.
- Wigley K, Wakelin SA, Moot DJ, Hammond S, Ridgway HJ. 2016. Measurements of carbon utilization by single bacterial species in sterile soil: insights into Rhizobium spp. Journal of Applied Microbiology 121: 495-505.
- Wigley K, Wakelin S, Moot DJ, Ridgway H. 2016. Carbon utilization by strains of Rhizobium spp. in sterile soil. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Budapest, Hungry. 25-28 August 2016. Parallel Session 9. p 166.
- Whitley AE, Moir JL, Almond PC, Moot DJ. 2016. Soil pH and exchangeable aluminium in contrasting New Zealand high and hill country soils. Hill Country Symposium – Grassland Research and Practice Series 16: 169-172.
- Berenji S, Moot DJ, Moir JL, Ridgway HJ. 2015. Lucerne dry matter and N-fixation, when sown with and without lime and inoculant. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 77: 109-105.
- Black AD, Moir JL. 2015. Dry matter and sheep production of four dryland tall fescue-clover pastures 4-6 years after establishment. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 77, 117-122. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.4 MB).
- Black AD, Ryan-Salter TP, Liu WYY, Moot DJ, Hill GD, Andrews M. 2015. Bradyrhizobia with a distinct nodA gene nodulate Lupinus polyphyllus in New Zealand soils. In: Duranti, M. (Ed.). Proceedings of the XIV Lupin Conference, ‘Developing lupin into a major and sustainable food and feed source’. 21-26 June 2015, Milan, Italy. p 45-48. (Conference presentation, PDF 2.4 MB).
- Black AD, Ryan-Salter TP, Loxton G, Moot DJ. 2015. Liveweight gain of young sheep grazing perennial lupin-cocksfoot pasture compared with pure lucerne pasture. In: Duranti, M. (ed.). Proceedings of the XIV Lupin Conference, ‘Developing lupin into a major and sustainable food and feed source’. 21-26 June 2015, Milan, Italy. p 32-35. (Conference presentation, PDF 3.0 MB).
- Black AD, Ryan-Salter TP, Moot DJ, Loxton G. 2015. Merino lamb and wool production from a commercial stand of perennial lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus) on a high country farm in New Zealand. In: Duranti, M. (Ed.). Proceedings of the XIV Lupin Conference, ‘Developing lupin into a major and sustainable food and feed source’. 21-26 June 2015, Milan, Italy. p 36. (Conference presentation, PDF 3.6 MB).
- Lucas RJ, Mills A, Wright S, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2015. Selection of sub clover cultivars for New Zealand dryland pastures. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 77: 203-210. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.0 MB).
- Moir JL, Jordan PR, Moot DJ. 2015. Aluminium sensitivity and phosphorus response of twelve forage legumes grown in an acid upland New Zealand soil. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. October 18 – 23, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia : XXX-XXX.
- Moot DJ, Hargreaves J, Brown HE, Teixeira EI. 2015. Calibration of the APSIM-Lucerne model for Grasslands Kaituna lucerne crops grown in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58: 190-202.
- Nori H, Moot DJ, Black AD. 2015. Dry matter yield and radiation use efficiency of four autumn sown top flowering annual clovers. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 77: 185-193.
- Nori H, Monks DP, Moot DJ. 2015. Seed development of arrowleaf, balansa, gland and Persian clover. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 77: 195-202.
- Sim RE, Brown HE, Teixeira EI, Moot DJ. 2016. Soil water extraction patterns of lucerne grown on stony soils. Plant and Soil 414: 95-112.
- Sim RE, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Teixeira EI. 2015. Sowing date affected shoot and root biomass accumulation of lucerne during establishment and subsequent regrowth season. European Journal of Agronomy 68: 69-77.
- Whitley AE, Moir JL, Moot DJ. 2015 A field survey of aluminium toxicity in New Zealand upland soils varying in parent material and climate. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. October 18 – 23, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia : XXX-XXX.
- Wigley K, Liu WYY, Khumalo Q, Moot DJ, Brown DS, Ridgway HJ. 2015. Effectiveness of three inoculation methods for lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in two Canterbury soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58: 292-301.
- Anderson D, Anderson L, Moot DJ, Ogle GI. 2014. Integrating lucerne (Medicago sativa) into a high country merino system. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 29-34. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.3 MB).
- Andreucci MP, Moot DJ, Black AD. 2014. Quantifying growth and development of bulb turnips. European Journal of Agronomy 55: 1-11.
- Berenji S, Ridgway H, Moot DJ. 2014. Strain diversity of rhizobia occupying lucerne and Caucasian clover nodules in high country soil in New Zealand. In: VVSR Gupta, M Unkovich, BN Kaiser (Eds.). N2 fixation: reaping the benefits of basic and applied research. Proceedings of the 17th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Waite Precinct, Urrbrae, South Australia. p 105-107. (Poster, PDF 0.7 MB).
- Black AD, Harvey AJ, Moir JL, Moot DJ. 2014. Caucasian clover responses to fertiliser, lime and rhizobia inoculation at Lake Heron Station, Canterbury. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 105-109. (Conference presentation, PDF 5.3 MB).).
- Black AD, Loxton G, Ryan-Salter TP, Moot DJ. 2014. Sheep performance on perennial lupins over three years at Sawdon Station, Lake Tekapo. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 35-39. (Conference presentation).
- Mills A, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2014a. ‘MaxClover’ Grazing Experiment: I. Annual yields, botanical composition and growth rates of six dryland pastures over nine years. Grass and Forage Science 70: 557-570.
- Mills A, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2014b. ‘MaxClover’ Grazing Experiment. II. Sheep liveweight production from six grazed dryland pastures over eight years. New Zealand. Journal of Agricultural Research 58: 57-77.
- Moir JL, Moot DJ. 2014. Medium-term soil pH and exchangeable aluminimum response to liming at three high country locations. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 41-45.
- Moot DJ. 2014. A review of recent research and extension on dryland lucerne in New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 74: 86-93. (Conference presentation, PDF 5.4 MB).
- Moot DJ, Pollock KM. 2014. Perennial lupin establishment and yield when sown at five different rates at Glenmore Station, Lake Tekapo. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 53-59. (Conference presentation, PDF 8.0 MB).
- Nori, H., Moot, D.J. and Black, A.D. 2014. Thermal time requirements for germination of four annual clover species. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 57: 30-37.
- Nori H, Moot DJ, Monks DP, Black AD, Lucas RJ. 2014. Reproductive development of four top flowering annual clovers. Crop & Pasture Science 65: 388-399.
- Oliveira JS, Moot DJ, Brown HE. 2014. Seed potato physiological age and crop establishment. Agronomy New Zealand 44: 85-93. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.2 MB).
- Roux MM, Leask SK, Moot DJ. 2014. Yield and composition of lucerne stands in Central Otago after different winter grazing and weed control treatments. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 89-96. (Conference presentation, PDF 3.0 MB).
- Ryan-Salter TP, Black AD, Andrews M, Moot DJ. 2014. Identification and effectiveness of rhizobial strains that nodulate Lupinus polyphyllus. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 76: 61-65.
- Wigley K, Lui W, Moot DJ, Ridgway H. 2014. Nodulation frequency of a naturalised rhizobia in lucerne and its effect on dry matter production. In: VVSR Gupta, M Unkovich, BN Kaiser (Eds.). N2 fixation: reaping the benefits of basic and applied research. Proceedings of the 17th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Waite Precinct, Urrbrae, South Australia. p 73-74.
- Black AD, Murdoch HM. 2013. Yield and water use of a ryegrass/white clover sward under different nitrogen and irrigation regimes. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 75: 157-163. (Conference presentation, PDF 2.4 MB).
- Black DBS, Moot DJ. 2013. Autumn establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) inoculated with four different carriers of Ensifer meliloti at four sowing dates. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 75: 137-144. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.4 MB).
- Brown HE, Jamieson PD, Brooking IR, Moot DJ, Huth NI. 2013. Integration of molecular and physiological models to explain time of anthesis in wheat. Annals of Botany 112: 1683-1703.
- Kosgey JR, Moot DJ, Fletcher AL, McKenzie BA. 2013. Dry matter accumulation and post-silking N economy of ‘stay-green’ maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. European Journal of Agronomy 51: 43-52.
- Mohammed Yusoff M, McKenzie BA, Moot DJ, Hill GD. 2013. Dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of winter forage crops sown in Canterbury on different dates. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 56: 309-321.
- Mohammed Yusoff M, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA, Hill GD. 2013. Quantification of vegetative development of faba bean, oats, and Italian ryegrass. Crop and Pasture Science 63 (12): 1097-1105.
- Moot DJ, van Duivenboden R. 2013. Attributes of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) for wastewater applications. In: G. Gielen and M. Dennis (Eds.). ‘Water – what is it worth?’ Proceedings of the 2013 New Zealand Land Treatment Collective Conference, 28-30 March 2013. Blenheim, Marlborough Convention Centre. p 181-187.
- Nangul A, Moot DJ, Brown D, Ridgway HJ. 2013. Nodule occupancy by Rhizobium leguminosarum strain WSM1325 following inoculation of four annual Trifolium species in Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 56 (3): 215-223.
- Ates S, Lucas RJ, Edwards GR. 2012. Effects of stocking rate and closing date on subterranean clover populations and dry matter production in dryland sheep pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 56: 22-36.
- Andreucci MP, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2012. Cardinal temperatures and thermal time requirements for germination of forage brassicas. Agronomy New Zealand 42: 181-191.
- Berenji S, Moot DJ, Moir JL. 2012. Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) dry matter, root growth and nodulation in response to lime and phosphorus in an acid, high country soil in New Zealand. In: I Yunusa (Ed.). “Capturing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles in Australian Agronomy”. Proceedings of the 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012, University of New England, Armidale, NSW The Regional Institute Ltd.
- Brown HE, Jamieson PD, Moot DJ. 2012. Predicting the transpiration of lucerne. European Journal of Agronomy 43: 9-17.
- Khumalo Q, Moot DJ, Wigley K. 2012. Yield, final population and emergence of seed treated lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) sown on five dates. In: C Harris (Ed.). Proceedings of the Inaugural Australian Legume Symposium. William Angliss Conference Centre, 8-9 February 2012. Tooborac: The Australian Grasslands Association. pp. 58-60.
- Lucas RJ. 2012a. Grasses at Ashley Dene. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. pp. 88-89.
- Lucas RJ. 2012b. Soil fertility and pasture legumes at Ashley Dene. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University, 38-39.
- Lucas RJ. 2012c. Ashley Dene before sheep. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. p 9.
- Lucas RJ, Mills A, Moot DJ. 2012. The history of lucerne at Ashley Dene. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. pp 94-97.
- Mills A, Moot DJ. 2012. Limits to pasture production. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow , A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. pp 130-133.
- Mohammed Yusoff M, McKenzie BA, Moot DJ, Hill GD. 2012. Dry matter accumulation of faba bean sown at different sowing dates in Canterbury. Agronomy New Zealand 42: 43-51.
- Mohammed Yusoff M, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA, Hill GD. 2012. Quantification of vegetative development of faba bean, oats, and Italian ryegrass. Crop & Pasture Science 63: 1097-1105.
- Moot DJ. 2012a. Perennial ryegrass – saint of sinner for New Zealand pastures? Primary Industry Management 16(1): 28-32, 36.
- Moot DJ. 2012b. An overview of dryland legume research in New Zealand. Crop and Pasture Science 63: 726–733. (Conference presentation, PDF 7.6 MB).
- Moot DJ, Mills A. 2012. Modern lucerne management. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nichol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. pp 116-119.
- Moot DJ, Pollock KM, Lewis B. 2012. Plant population, yield and water use of lucerne sown in autumn at four sowing rates. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 74: 97-102. (Conference presentation, PDF 1.8 MB).
- Moot DJ, Teixeira EI, Brown HE. 2012. Alfalfa. In: P Steduto, TC Hsiao, E Fereres, D Raes (Eds.). Crop Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation & Drainage Paper No. 66. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. 212-219.
- Nori H, Black AD, Moot DJ. 2012. Vegetative development of four annual clovers. In: I Yunusa (Ed.). “Capturing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles in Australian Agronomy”. Proceedings of the 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012, 14-18 October 2012, University of New England, Armidale, NSW The Regional Institute Ltd.
- Oliveira J, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Gash A, Sinton S. 2012. Sprout development of seed potato tuber after different storage conditions. Agronomy New Zealand 42: 53-58.
- Pollock KM. 2012. Climate change at Ashley Dene. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nicol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. p 116.
- Ryan-Salter TP, Black AD. 2012 Yield of Italian ryegrass mixed with red clover and balansa clover. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 74: 201-208. (Conference presentation, PDF 2.6 MB).
- Scott WR. 2012. Brassicas at Ashley Dene. In: RJ Lucas, N Gow, A Nicol (Eds.). Ashley Dene Lincoln University Farm: the first 100 years. Christchurch: Lincoln University. pp 90-91.
- Sim RE, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Teixeira EI. 2012a. Development, growth and water extraction of seedling lucerne grown on two contrasting soil types. In: I Yunusa (Ed.). “Capturing Opportunities and Overcoming Obstacles in Australian Agronomy”. Proceedings of the 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012, University of New England, Armidale, NSW The Regional Institute Ltd.
- Sim RE, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Teixeira EI. 2012b. Growth and root:shoot dry matter partitioning in seedling lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) differ with sowing date and water availability. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Crop Science Congress, 6-10 August 2012, Bento Goncalves, RS, Brazil. International Crop Science Society.
- Stevens DR, Thompson BR, Carruthers A, Wall AJ, Casey MJ, Phiskie R, Young P, Moot DJ. 2012. Understanding the role of spring grazing of lucerne in the Central Otago environment. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 74: 69-75.
- Wigley K, Moot DJ, Khumalo Q, Mills A. 2012. Establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa) sown on five dates with four inoculation treatments. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 74: 91-96. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.5 MB).
- Chakwizira E, Moot DJ, Scott WR, Fletcher AL, Maley S. 2011. Leaf development, radiation interception and radiation-use efficiency of kale crops supplied with different rates of banded or broadcast phosphorus fertiliser. Crop and Pasture Science 62: 840-847.
- Moot DJ. 2011. Perennial ryegrass – saint or sinner in temperate dairy systems? Proceedings of the South African Large Herds Association Conference, East London 6-8 June 2011. p 63-72.
- Teixiera EI, Brown HE, Moot DJ, Menkeen E. 2011. Growth and phenological development patterns differ between seedling- and regrowth-stage in lucerne crops (Medicago sativa L.). European Journal of Agronomy 35: 47-55.
- Varella A, Moot DJ, Pollock KM, Peri PL, Lucas RJ. 2011. Do light and alfalfa responses to cloth and slatted shade represent those measured under an agroforestry system? Agroforestry Systems 81: 157-173.
- Ates S, Tongel MO, Moot DJ. 2010. Annual herbage production increased 40% when subterranean clover was over-drilled into grass dominant dryland pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 3-10. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.3 MB).
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Teixiera EI, Meenken ED. 2010. Flowering time of seedling and regrowth lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crops. Proceedings of Agro2010 the XI Congress of European Society of Agronomy in Montpellier, France. 29 August – 03 Sep 2010. pp 565-566.
- Chakwizira E, Moot DJ, Scott WR, Fletcher A. 2010. Establishment and dry matter production of kale supplied with different rates of banded or broadcast phosphorous (P) fertiliser. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium Vol 4. GR Edwards, RH Bryant (Eds.) pp. 311-316. (National Dairy Alliance: Lincoln University, Christchurch).
- Kearney J, Moot DJ, Pollock KM. 2010. On-farm comparison of pasture production in relation to rainfall in Central Otago. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 121-126. (Conference presentation, PDF 2.9 MB).
- Kosgey JR, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA, Fletcher AL. 2010. Yield and N concentration of ‘stay-green’ maize hybrids under different N fertiliser regimes. Proceedings of Agro2010 the XI Congress of European Society of Agronomy in Montpellier, France. 29 August – 03 Sep 2010. pp 563-564. (Paper & Poster available).
- Lucas RJ, Smith MC, Jarvis P, Mills A, Moot DJ. 2010. Nitrogen fixation by subterranean and white clovers in dryland cocksfoot pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 141-146. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.2 MB).
- Mills A, Moot DJ. 2010a. Annual dry matter, metabolisable energy and nitrogen yields of six dryland pastures six and seven years after establishment. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 177-183. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.2 MB).
- Mills A, Moot DJ. 2010b. Nitrogen yields from sown pasture components in cocksfoot based pastures in a temperate environment. Proceedings of Agro2010 the XI Congress of European Society of Agronomy in Montpellier, France. 29 August – 03 Sep 2010. pp 563-564. (Paper & Poster available).
- Moir J, Moot DJ. 2010. Soil pH, exchangeable aluminium and lucerne yield responses to lime in a South Island high country soil. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 191-196. (Conference presentation, PDF 0.8 MB).
- Monks DP, Moot DJ. 2010. Vegetative and reproductive development of balansa clover. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: 203-206.
- Monks DP, Moot DJ, Scott WR. 2010. Photoperiod affects the flowering time of field sown balansa clover. Crop and Pasture Science 61: 639-644.
- Moot DJ, Mills A, Pollock KM. 2010. Natural resources for Canterbury agriculture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 72: IX-XVII.
- Teixiera E, Hargreaves J, Brown HE, Moot DJ. 2010. Simulating perennial crops with the APSIM plant module – a study with lucerne. In: H Dove (Ed). Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Society Conference, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.
- Black AD, Laidlaw AS, Moot DJ, O’Kiely P. 2009. Comparative growth and management of white and red clovers. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 48: 149-166.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Fletcher AL, Jamieson PD. 2009. A framework for quantifying water extraction and water stress responses of perennial lucerne. Crop and Pasture Science 60: 785-794.
- Chakwizira E, Moot DJ, Scott WR, Fletcher, A. 2009. Effect of rate and method of phosphorous application on the growth and development of ‘Pasja’ crops. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 71: 101-106.
- Kosgey J, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA, Fletcher A. 2009. Leaf area development in maize cultivars of different stay green rating. Agronomy New Zealand 39: 15-22.
- Lonati M, Moot DJ, Aceto P, Cavellero A, Lucas RJ. 2009. Thermal time requirements for germination, emergence, and seedling development of adventive legume and grass species. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52: 1-13.
- Martini MY (sic), McKenzie BA, Moot DJ, Hill GD, de Ruiter JM. 2009. Dry matter accumulation of oats sown at five different sowing dates. Agronomy New Zealand 39: 71-80.
- Mills A, Moot DJ, Jamieson PD. 2009. Quantifying the effect of nitrogen on productivity of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) pastures. European Journal of Agronomy 30: 63-69.
- Monks DP, Saddat KE, Moot DJ. 2009. Cardinal temperatures and thermal time requirements for germination of annual and perennial temperate pasture species. Agronomy New Zealand 39: 95-110.
- Monks DP, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Teixiera EI. 2009. APSIM_Lucerne validation in the temperate climate of New Zealand. In: W Cao, JW White, E Wang (Eds.). Crop modelling and decision support. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. pp 265-270.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE. 2009. Modeling seasonality of dry matter partitioning and root maintenance respiration in lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crops. Crop and Pasture Science 60: 778-784.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Monks DP. 2009. Modelling shoot and root biomass of lucerne crops. New insights on the seasonality of lucerne of dry matter partitioning and root maintenance respiration. In: W Cao, JW White, E Wang (Eds.). Crop modeling and decision support. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. pp 109-115.
- Tonmukayakul N, Moot DJ, Mills A. 2009. Spring water use efficiency of six dryland pastures in Canterbury. Agronomy New Zealand 39: 81-94.
- Sonego M, Peruch LAM, Lichtemberg LA, Moot DJ. 2009. Banana cultivars suitable for organic systems in the subtropics of Brazil. In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Meeting of ACORBAT, 10-14 November 2008. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Sonego M, Peruch LAM, Moot DJ. 2009. Temperature and rate of leaf production in banana crops in subtropical environment. In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Meeting of ACORBAT, 10-14 November 2008. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- Avery D, Avery F, Ogle G, Wills BJ, Moot DJ. 2008. Adapting farm systems to a drier future. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 70: 13-18.
- Mills A, Smith MC, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2008. Dryland pasture yields and botanical composition over 5 years under sheep grazing in Canterbury. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 70: 37-44.
- Moot DJ, Brown HE, Pollock KM, Mills A. 2008. Yield and water use of temperate pastures in summer dry environments. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 70: 51-57.
- Fasi V, Mills A, Moot DJ, Scott WR, Pollock K. 2008. Establishment, annual yield and nitrogen response of eight perennial grasses in a high country environment. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 70: 123-130.
- Fletcher AL, Moot DJ, Stone P. 2008. Radiation use efficiency and leaf photosynthesis of sweet corn in response to phosphorus in a cool temperate climate. European Journal of Agronomy 29: 88-93.
- Fletcher AL, Moot DJ, Stone P. 2008. Solar radiation interception and canopy expansion of sweet corn in response to phosphorus. European Journal of Agronomy 29: 80-87.
- Monks DP, Moot DJ. 2008. Thermal time requirements for leaf appearance of ‘Frontier’ balansa clover. Proceedings of the XXI International Grasslands Congress, Hohhot, China. 2: 63.
- Monks DP, Moot DJ, Smith MC, Lucas RJ. 2008. Grazing management for regeneration of balansa clover in a cocksfoot pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 70: 233-238.
- Mills A, Smith MC, Moot DJ. 2008. Sheep liveweight production from lucerne, cocksfoot or ryegrass based pastures. In: M Unkovich (Ed.). Global Issues, Paddock Action. Proceedings of the 14th Australian Agronomy Conference, 21-25 September 2008, Adelaide, South Australia.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE. 2008. Lucerne management optimization – new insights from experimentation and modelling. In: M Unkovich (Ed.). Global Issues, Paddock Action. Proceedings of the 14th Australian Agronomy Conference, 21-25 September 2008, Adelaide, South Australia.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE. 2008. Defoliation frequency and season affected radiation use efficiency and dry matter partitioning to roots of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crops. European Journal of Agronomy 28: 103-111.
- Black AD, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ, Sedcole RJ. 2007. Liveweight gains of lambs from Caucasian clover/ryegrass and white clover/ryegrass pastures on soils of low and high fertility. Grass and Forage Science 62: 225-238.
- Fletcher AL, Moot DJ. 2007. Estimating solar radiation in New Zealand using air temperatures. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 35: 147-157.
- Peri PL, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2007. Dry matter production, morphology and nutritive value of Dactylis glomerata growing under different light regimes. Agroforestry Systems 70: 63-79.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, Jarvis P, McNeill DL, Lucas RJ. 2007. Morphological, anatomical and physiological changes of orchardgrass leaves grown under fluctuating light regimes. Agronomy Journal 99: 1502-1513.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Fletcher AL. 2007. The dynamics of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) yield components in response to defoliation frequency. European Journal of Agronomy 26: 394-400.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Mickelbart MV. 2007. Seasonal patterns of root C and N reserves of lucerne crops (Medicago sativa L.) grown in a temperate climate were affected by defoliation regime. European Journal of Agronomy 26: 10-20.
- Teixiera EI, Moot DJ, Brown HE, Pollock K. 2007. How does defoliation management impact on yield, canopy forming processes and light interception of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crops. European Journal of Agronomy 27: 154-164.
- Black AD, Moot DJ, Lucas RJ. 2006. Development and growth characteristics of Caucasian and white clover seedlings compared with perennial ryegrass. Grass and Forage Science 61: 442-453.
- Black AD, Moot DJ, Lucas RJ. 2006. Spring and autumn establishment of Caucasian and white clovers with different sowing rates of perennial ryegrass. Grass and Forage Science 61: 430-441.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Lucas RJ, Smith M. 2006. Sub clover, cocksfoot and lucerne combine to improve dry stock production. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 109-115.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Jamieson PD. 2006. An alternative method for simulating crop water use. In: NC Turner. T Acuna (Eds.). Groundbreaking Stuff. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Agronomy Conference. 10-14 September 2006 Perth, Western Australia.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Teixiera E. 2006. Radiation use efficiency and biomass partitioning of lucerne (Medicago sativa) in a temperate climate. European Journal of Agronomy 25: 319-327.
- Fletcher A, Moot DJ. 2006. Phenological development and frost risk of ‘Challenger’ sweet corn (Zea mays) in response to phosphorous. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 34: 393-402.
- Fletcher A, Moot DJ, Stone P. 2006. The effect of fertiliser P on crop biomass production, partitioning and quality in ‘Challenger’ sweet corn. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57: 1213-1219.
- Gillespie BJ, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ, Edwards GR. 2006. Can topdressing with salt increase over-sowing success and pasture quality on steep, south facing slopes in hill country pastures? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 349-353.
- Martin RJ, Stevens DR, Thomas SM, Zyskowski R, Moot DJ, Fraser TJ. 2006. Improving water use efficiency on irrigated dairy farms in Canterbury. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 155-160.
- Mills A, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA. 2006. Cocksfoot pasture production in relation to environmental variables. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 89-94.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL. 2006. Validation of a canopy photosynthesis model for cocksfoot pastures grown under different light regimes. Agroforestry Systems 67: 259-272.
- Power DR, Pollock KM, Lucas RJ, Moot DJ. 2006. Clover species cover on summer dry hill country in Central Otago. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 343-347.
- Rabeendraan N, Jones EE, Moot DJ, Stewart A. 2006. Biocontrol of Sclerotinia lettuce drop by Coniothyrium minitans and Trichoderma hamatum. Biological Control 39: 352-362.
- Sonego M, Peruch LAM, Lichtemberg LA, Moot DJ, Nesi CN. 2006. Bunch weight of 21 genotypes in an organic system in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the XVII International Meeting of the Association for Co-operation in research on bananas for the Caribbean and Tropical America, 15-20 October, 2006, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. p 557-561.
- Sonego M, Peruch LAM, Lichtemberg LA, Moot DJ. 2006. Effects of Hurricane Catarina on 21 Banana Genotypes, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the XVII International Meeting of the Association for Co-operation in research on bananas for the Caribbean and Tropical America, 15-20 October, 2006, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. p 414.
- Teixeira EI, Moot DJ, Mickelbart M, Brown, HE. 2006. Seasonal changes in root dry matter and N content of lucerne crops under contrasting defoliation regimes. In: NC Turner, T Acuna T. (Eds.). Groundbreaking Stuff. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Agronomy Conference. 10-14 September 2006 Perth, Western Australia.
- Teixeira EI, Moot DJ, Fletcher AL. 2006. Lucerne canopy expansion in spring was affected by the level of winter root reserves. In: NC Turner, T Acuna (Eds.). Groundbreaking Stuff. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Agronomy Conference. 10-14 September 2006 Perth, Western Australia.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Pollock KM. 2005. Herbage production, persistence, nutritive characteristics and water use of perennial forages over 6 years on a Wakanui silt loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Science 48: 423-439.
- Brown HE, Moot DJ, Teixeira EI. 2005. The components of lucerne (Medicago sativa) leaf area index respond to temperature and photoperiod in a temperate environment. European Journal of Agronomy 23: 348-358.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL. 2005. Modelling photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) for the light-response curve of cocksfoot leaves grown under different temperate field conditions. European Journal of Agronomy 22: 277-292.
Pre 2005
- Ayaz S, Moot DJ, McKenzie BA, Hill GD, McNeil DL. 2004. The use of the principal axis model to examine individual plant harvest index in four grain legumes. Annals of Botany 94: 385-392.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL. 2003. An integrated model for predicting maximum net photosynthetic rate of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) leaves in silvopastoral systems. Agroforestry Systems 58: 173-183.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL. 2003. A canopy photosynthesis to predict dry matter production of cocksfoot pastures under varying temperature, nitrogen and water regimes. Grass and Forage Science. 58: 416-430.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL, Lucas RJ. 2003. Modelling net photosynthetic rate of field-grown cocksfoot leaves to account for regrowth duration. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 46: 105-115.
- Gray CW, Moot DJ, McLaren RG, Reddecliffe T. 2002. Effect of nitrogen fertiliser on cadmium concentrations in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) grain. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 30: 291-299.
- Peri PL, Moot DJ, McNeil DL, Varella AC, Lucas RJ. 2002. Modelling net photosynthetic rate of field-grown cocksfoot leaves under different nitrogen, water and temperature regimes. Grass and Forage Science 57: 61-71.
- Peri PL, McNeil DL, Moot DJ, Varella AC, Lucas RJ. 2002. Net photosynthetic rate of cocksfoot leaves under continuous and fluctuating shade in the field. Grass and Forage Science 57: 157-170.
- Robertson MJ, Watkinson AR, Kirkegaard JA, Holland JF, Cawley S, Potter TD, Burton W, Walton GH, Moot DJ, Wratten N, Farre I, Asseng S. 2002. Environmental and genotypic control of time to flowering in canola and Indian mustard. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53: 793-809.
- Moot DJ, Scott WR, Roy AM, Nicholls AC. 2000. Base temperature and thermal time requirements for germination and emergence of temperate pasture species. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 15-25.
- Sonego M, Moot DJ, Jamieson PD, Martin RJ, Scott WR. 2000. Apical development in oats predicted by leaf stage. Field Crops Research 65: 79-86.
- Bandara GD, Whitehead D, Mead DJ, Moot DJ. 1999. Effects of pruning and understory vegetation on crown development, biomass increment and above-ground carbon partitioning in Pinus radiata D. Don trees growing at a dryland agroforestry site. Forest Ecology and Management 124: 241-254.
- Moot DJ, Wilson DR, McNeil DR. 1997. Validation of the principal axis model (PAM) and its application to genotype selection in field pea (Pisum sativum L.) crops. Annals of Botany 79: 651-656.
- Moot DJ. 1997. Theoretical analysis of yield of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) crops using frequency distributions for individual plant performance. Annals of Botany 79: 429-437.
- Moot DJ, Henderson AH, Porter JR, Semenov MA. 1996. Temperature, CO2 and the growth and development of wheat: changes in the mean and variability of growing conditions. Climatic Change 33: 351-368.
- Moot DJ, Jamieson PD, Henderson AL, Ford MA, Porter JR. 1996. Rate of change in harvest index during grain-filling of wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 126: 387-395.
- Moot DJ, McNeil DL. 1995. Yield components, harvest index and plant type in relation to yield differences in field pea genotypes. Euphytica 86: 31-40.
- Moot DJ, Every D. 1990. A comparison of bread baking, falling number, a-amylase assay and visual method for the assessment of pre-harvest sprouting in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 11: 225-234.
- Moot DJ. 1993. Harvest index variability within and between field pea (Pisum sativum L.) crops. PhD Thesis, Lincoln University. 262 p.