Bog Roy Station – Dryland Blog

bog-roy-intro-accredited-300x225Gundy and I (Lisa) have been asked to join the impressive line-up of properties in the Lincoln Dryland Blog series, reporting frequently on the going’s on at Bog Roy throughout the year. I am a  B.Ag.Sci. Hons. graduate from Lincoln University and worked as a Field Officer in Central Otago and Upper Waitaki/Mckenzie regions for Ravensdown and then as the R & D manager for Merino Inc. before settling down here on Bog Roy.

Bog Roy is situated between Omarama and Otematata and we farm merinos and Hereford cattle.
Bog-Roy-location1-300x183About four years ago I was having a meeting with Prof. Derrick Moot when Gundy kindly took over after seeing a flyer about Doug Avery. Consequently, we have visited Doug and Fraser and took on board their approach to a   lucerne system and the rest is history.

We have spent the last few years looking at the potential of our place – where can we grow lucerne? How do we do it? Will it produce more than our ryegrass? How can we cope with merino’s on lucerne? Is it financially viable? Lots of questions that we are in the process of answering. We hope the answers might encourage other people in a similar situation to us to have a go at transforming their farm in what Derrick calls a “lucerne conversion”.

In our next post I’ll show you the 3 areas/paddocks I’ve selected to report on and I will concentrate on these but also report on other areas of interest as they occur.

If there is anything you’d like to ask or comment on – please don’t hesitate to ‘post a comment’.  We are new to this ‘blogging’ system – so bear with us while we share our journey.