Red Meat Profit Partnership – Lucerne and other dryland legumes

Up Coming Event:

Red Meat Profit Partnership conference call – Lucerne and other dryland legumes.

When: Wednesday 17 August at 7.30 pm

This conference call will run from 7.30 pm – 8.15 pm (45 mins).


Lucerne is one of the oldest fodder crops known to humans, and its history in New Zealand is long. During the late 1980s however it almost disappeared from dryland farms. The last decade has seen a lucerne revival, as new cultivars and a much greater understanding of its management have seen whole properties undergo ‘lucerne conversions’ – with over 50% of their area in lucerne. At the same time, with the ewe flock ending up on the higher and drier country, there has been renewed interest in dryland legumes, especially annual clovers, in those areas that aren’t easily cultivable.

On this call, we’re joined by Professor Derrick Moot of Lincoln University. Derrick has been the primary driver of the lucerne resurgence, and is closely involved in work with annual clovers. He’ll discuss the opportunities and risks with these stock feeds, cover the keys to success, and take your questions.

During the conference call, lines are muted so you will hear Derrick, but he won’t be able to hear you. However, you can still send in questions. Just text to 027 4989 703 or email them to Aaron Meikle ( before or during the call. We’ll send you contact details when you register.

There is no charge for callers to dial in. To register, Click Here – please tell us your mobile number so we can send you a text reminder.

Beef + Lamb New Zealand will also record the call and make it available afterwards.