For Farmers

Dryland Pastures Research makes a special effort to turn research into on-farm systems and actions.

We do this in person at field days. You can review the publications we’ve put out for every field day we’ve run. Or look at the common questions we get. We also produce blogs and videos on a range of topics.


Measuring yield on-farm

Measuring yield on-farm
On this page you'll find information and resources about how to measure dry matter yield on-farm. In addition, we've provided links to the AgYields database, a national repository for yield and phenological data measured in New Zealand, and how to enter you data if you want to make your data available nationally. How to measure...

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Our research has been used to prepare these factsheets, available from the Beef + Lamb New Zealand Knowledge Hub, and summarise our field research into "farm ready" messages to help with management and planning:

Field days coming up soon

We'll list what we've got coming up here by date and location