Soil fertility and dry matter yields

Hi, This reply has been posted in response to questions John posted on the blog Monday: Doug has supplied the 2012 soil test results (below) from ‘Bonavaree’ (0-7.5 cm soil depth). For ease the results have been averaged from 8 paddocks which were individually tested. Any fertilisers to be applied will meet requirements of the individual paddock. … Read more

Free lucerne text alert service from Beef + Lamb New Zealand

Beef + Lamb New Zealand offers a free text alert service which delivers lucerne management tips & the latest research from Professor Derrick Moot at Lincoln University & other lucerne experts directly to you. This free service is sent out by Beef + Lamb New Zealand extension manager Aaron Meikle and can be subscribed to at: … Read more

Bonavaree – Lambing onto Lucerne (Jeffries Front Flat)

Lambing in Jeffries Front Flat has now finished. It is certainly not a normal season at Bonavaree. Having had the total annual rainfall in only 8 months (200 mm since lambing started) has delayed a few things. The lightly set stocked ewes on this paddock, and many others, would usually be mobbed up into larger mobs … Read more

Ashley Dene Lincoln University Dryland Farm – the first 100 years

Dick Lucas has just informed me that the Ashley Dene Centenary book is now available for sale at the Lincoln University bookshop. The book describes the history and development of Ashley Dene since it was purchased by Lincoln Agricultural College in 1909. It contains commentaries from staff, students and farm managers about their time at the farm. Pastoral and livestock … Read more

Bonavaree – Lambing onto Mixed Species Paddocks (Glen Erin House Paddock)

This season has been incredibly wet at Bonavaree, the total average rainfall has been reached already, and there are still 4 months to go! The ewes and lambs have shown remarkable resilience to this wet, with very high lamb survival rates, even when the weather was at its worse. The ewes have lambed in very … Read more

Bonavaree – Lambing onto Omaka Barley (North Face)

Omaka Barley is a great crop to use at Bonavaree. Barley is used here because it really fits in well with the Avery’s system. The Omaka variety has been bred locally, and is very suitable for reliable dry matter production in a Marlborough dryland environment. It is a multipurpose crop at Bonavaree, in that it … Read more