Bonavaree – Lambing onto Lucerne (Jeffries Front Flat)

This paddock of Torlesse is currently grazed by twin lambing ewes. Lucerne/Prairie Grass/Plantain, and Annual Ryegrass paddocks are also used for multiple bearing ewes to provide maximum nutrition in late pregnancy and lambing. Single bearing ewes are not grazed on lucerne, as this is better utilised for multiple lamb production.  Fraser uses lucerne paddocks to … Read more

Bonavaree Dryland Blog

Doug and Fraser Avery have kindly agreed to let us visit their property on a regular basis to report on what is happening on Bonavaree throughout the farming calendar. Initially Doug has selected three paddocks for us to use in this blog, but flexibility is key to farming successfully in a dryland environment, and so … Read more

Welcome to dryland pastures blog

We’re working on making our blog a living breathing thing with live info from the field. The information will use on-the-ground knowledge of the farmers using the species successfully within their systems & who will outline their on-farm activity, successes and failures. Additional information and support is provided by the Lincoln University Dryland Pastures Research … Read more