24 Jan 2012. Dryland Pasture Research: A field day booklet for visitors to the MaxClover Grazing Experiment. 18 p. (PDF 1.5 MB) |
26 Oct 2012. Lucerne – agronomy and grazing management. Banks Peninsula. Derrick Moot. (PDF 6.4 MB). |
01 Nov 2012. Lucerne development. Bog Roy Station. Graeme Ogle. (PDF 0.3 MB). |
01 Nov 2012. Landscape farming. Bog Roy Station. Derrick Moot. (PDF 6.7 MB). |
07 Nov 2012. Ryan-Salter TP, Black AD. 2012. Yield of Italian ryegrass mixed with red and/or balansa clovers. NZ Grassland Association Conference presentation. Gore. (PDF 2.6 MB). |
08 Nov 2012. Wigley K, Moot DJ, Khumalo Q, Mills A. 2012. Establishment of lucerne sown on five dates with inoculation treatments. NZ Grassland Association Conference presentation. Gore. (PDF 0.5 MB). |
08 Nov 2012. Moot DJ, Pollock KM, Lewis B. 2012. Lucerne sowing rates, yield and water use. NZ Grassland Association Conference presentation. Gore. (PDF 1.8 MB). |
22 Nov 2012. Pasture Species Options. Hamilton & Palmerston North, RD1 field reps. Derrick Moot. (PDF 6.8 MB). |
24 Jan 2012. Dryland pastures. Maheno, Palmerston. Derrick Moot. (PDF 8.3 MB). |
08 Feb 2012. Dryland Legumes. Presentation to the Australian Legume Symposium, Melbourne. Derrick Moot. (PDF 7.6 MB). |
21 Feb 2012
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13 Mar 2012 (Christchurch) and 16 Mar 2012 (Danseys Pass). High Country Forage Improvement projects. Derrick Moot. (PDF 5.7 MB). |
03 Apr 2012. Legumes for Hill Country. Castlepoint Field day handout. Derrick Moot & Dick Lucas. (PDF 0.9 MB). |
30 May 2012. Lucerne4Lambs (L4L). Oturehua. Derrick Moot. (PDF 6.4 MB). |
27 Jun 2012. Living the legume vision. Rotorua, Ballance Fertiliser field reps. Derrick Moot. (PDF 8.3 MB). |
31 Jul 2012. Pasture species options. Lincoln, Seed Force field reps. Derrick Moot. (PDF 1.5 MB). |
10 Aug 2012. Lucerne. Lincoln University. Derrick Moot. (PDF 9.0 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Sub clover at Tempello – presented by David and Joanna Grigg (Marlborough). Grazing management for successful and persistence of subterranean clover un-cultivatable dryland hill pastures for sheep and beef farming will be explained and the decisions needed to develop best management practises outlined (PDF 1.3 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Arrowleaf clover: Farmer experiences with increasing clover – presented by Chris and Julia Dawkins (The Pyramid, Marlborough). In a 700+ mm rainfall environment with summer drought conditions 12 ha of arrowleaf clover and perennial grass pastures have been established. Arrowleaf clover is the latest flowering annual clover available. Chris is looking at how to best manage this top flowering clover in a perennial pasture to provide quality pastures for late lactation and lamb weaning feed while ensuring persistence of the clover from year to year (PDF 1.4 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Balansa clover: Farmer experiences with increasing legume – presented by Warwick and Lisa Lissaman (Breach Oak, Marlborough). In a 600+ mm rainfall environment Warwick has sown a range of annual clovers including Persian, gland and balansa with tall fescue into heavy, winter wet, summer dry land. There are mixed species pastures which include plantain and clovers growing alone and management of gland and balansa clovers with winter active tall fescue is being monitored. One of Lincoln Universities PhD students is also collecting information on the growth and development of the clovers in this environment. This is the first of three presentations given by Warwick at the workshop (PDF 1.6 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Gland clover: Farmer experiences with increasing legume – presented by Warwick and Lisa Lissaman (Breach Oak, Marlborough). In a 600+ mm rainfall environment Warwick has sown a range of annual clovers including Persian, gland and balansa with tall fescue into heavy, winter wet, summer dry land. There are mixed species pastures which include plantain and clovers growing alone and management of gland and balansa clovers with winter active tall fescue is being monitored. One of Lincoln Universities PhD students is also collecting information on the growth and development of the clovers in this environment. This is the second of three presentations given by Warwick at the workshop (PDF 1.2 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Duck Gulley pasture improvement – presented by Warwick and Lisa Lissaman (Breach Oak, Marlborough). In a 600+ mm rainfall environment Warwick has sown a range of annual clovers including Persian, gland and balansa with tall fescue into heavy, winter wet, summer dry land. There are mixed species pastures which include plantain and clovers growing alone and management of gland and balansa clovers with winter active tall fescue is being monitored. One of Lincoln Universities PhD students is also collecting information on the growth and development of the clovers in this environment. This is the third of three presentations given by Warwick at the workshop (PDF 0.9 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Lucerne conversion at Jedburgh – presented by Tony Turnbull (Jedburgh, Marlborough). Tony is a new convert to lucerne. In a 600 mm rainfall environment with summer drought Tony is converting rolling hill country to lucerne. He has also has success direct drilling annual clovers into danthonia grassland. Tony outlines his successes, failures and fixes during his conversion programme in this presentation (PDF 1.0 MB). |
18 Jun 2012. Matching plants to the environment – presented by Bob Reid (TasGlobalSeeds, Tasmania, Australia). Dryland Legume Workshop, Marlborough. (PDF 1.0 MB). |