Horehound Biocontrol Update 17

Posted on behalf of the Horehound Biocontrol Group Kia ora koutou, We are pleased to give you a cautiously optimistic update in time for the festive season: The new shipment of horehound plume moth has made its first public appearance. Plume moth – Take 2 A lot has happened in the year since the previous … Read more

Is it Genetic Engineering’s time?

Posted on behalf of Prof Derrick Moot One of the interesting things of having students from different countries visit Lincoln University is hearing how their world views differ. The visit of the Oregon State students recently highlighted the pragmatic view of Americans. They were intrigued when I explained we are not allowed to grow genetically … Read more

Perennial weed control – NI field days

Professor Moot spent two days last week (mid March 2023) with farmers interested in growing and grazing lucerne near Taupo and Pukekawa. Spring sowing after weeds had been controlled was a focus of the days. In particular, the opportunity to use glyphosate this autumn on Californian thistles (Cirsium arvense), browntop (Agrostis capillaris) and other rhizomatous … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 16

Posted on behalf of the Horehound Biocontrol Group Kia ora koutou, This Christmas message is not the one you would like to read nor the one I was hoping to write. Nevertheless, it is the one I have and the facts cannot be ignored. No sign of the plume moth We have not found any … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 15

Posted on behalf of the Horehound Biocontrol Group The clearwing moth is established. Or is it? We thought the clearwing moth was now well established at two sites. One in North Canterbury and one in the Mackenzie Basin. It looked like these populations were ready to start being redistributed to new sites. We were truly … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 14

Clearwing moth larva

Note: This content was originally sent out February 2021 but wasn’t posted on the blog. Belatedly: Posted on behalf of the Horehound Biocontrol Group Happy 2021 everyone, Last week we visited a few release sites of the horehound biocontrol agents and we have great news to report: both agents now call New Zealand ‘Home’. The clearwing … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 13

Note: Numbering error in title. This is Update 12 originally posted January 2019. Posted on behalf of the Horehound Biocontrol Group Happy New Year everyone, It is a great joy to open this year with such a positive update: the horehound biocontrol agents have been released! It all happened in the two weeks leading up to … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 12

Note: Numbering error in title. This is Update 13 originally posted January 2020. Greetings everyone, It has been just over a year now since we first released the horehound moths, so it must be a good time to assess where they are at. Plume moth – no big news yet This one was supposed to … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 11

Greetings everyone, November has been a busy month on the horehound biocontrol front, and it ain’t over just yet! Field day and site searching Earlier in the month we were lucky to host horehound biocontrol expert John Weiss from Australia. John joined us to present at a field day as part of the NZ Grasslands … Read more

Horehound BioControl Update 10

Greetings everyone, We have fantastic news to share with you – our application to release two species of moths for the biological control of horehound was granted approval by the EPA! We were expecting to find out the results only late in September, so receiving the news this early is thrilling. You can read the … Read more