Lucerne Research

In New Zealand, many farmers moved away from Lucerne in the 1970’s and 80’s because of pest and diseases which decimated stands of the widely used, and high susceptible, cultivar ‘Wairau’. The majority of farmers used it for conservation cuts. Plant breeding resulted in the release of newer cultivars which were resistant to or tolerant of attack. However, over time the knowledge of how to manage the crop was lost and it gained the reputation of being expensive to establish and difficult to manage.

Research at Lincoln which has improved management flexibility is mainly due to work which has allowed us a greater understanding of how, when and why lucerne responds to environment and management decisions.

The research conducted has been used to create a practical management guide for farmers who are moving to direct grazing of lucerne (also known as alfalfa). The guide outlines what happens and when – basically an on-farm cheat sheet to getting started and what to expect.

Lees Valley Lucerne
Lucerne established at Lees Valley, Canterbury.

Most recently, Rachel Fields, Derrick Moot and Graham Barrell have put together a 4 page handout you can save or print out about “Identifying oestrogenic lucerne crops and pre-mating ewe management” There’s some great practical information for those planning on flushing on lucerne in autumn.

On-farm success with lucerne at ‘Bonavaree’ in Marlborough was highlighted at the Beyond Reasonable Drought field day in May 2008.

On-farm success with lucerne at ‘Bonavaree’ in Marlborough was highlighted at the Beyond Reasonable Drought field day in May 2008. For more information refer to the downloadable documents below.

Our Dryland Pastures Blog also provides practical information from ‘Bonavaree’ which outlines seasonal activity and planning for a successful direct grazed lucerne system in a dryland environment and a range of information on subjects including recovery from drought and set stocking.


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  • Hamish Brown (PhD)
  • Edmar Teixiera (PhD)
  • Hung Ta (PhD)
  • Xiumei Yang (PhD)
  • Sarch Hoppen (PhD)
  • Jian (Frank) Liu (M.Ag.Sci.)
  • Travis Ryan-Salter (PhD)
  • Katheyn Wigley (PhD)
  • Rachel Fields (PhD)
  • Georgia King (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Grace Clouston (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Tim Reynolds ((B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Saman Berenji (PhD)
  • Richard Sim (PhD)
  • Emma Coutts (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Kate Murray-Cawte (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Lisa Box (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Alice Speedy (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Qakathekile Khumalo (M.Sci.)
  • Sarah Bennett (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Natalie Stocker (B.Ag.Sci. Honours)
  • Alexandre Varella (PhD)

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